The Challenge of Forming New Groups during a Pandemic
/Gillian Forest, CDO for the Mid & East Antrim & Causeway Areas, talks about the challenges and joys of setting up new groups with people who want to help their communities.
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Gillian Forest, CDO for the Mid & East Antrim & Causeway Areas, talks about the challenges and joys of setting up new groups with people who want to help their communities.
Read MoreA recent survey of Housing Community Network Groups demonstrates a continuing need for support in responding to the COVID-19 crisis.
Read MoreOne of our busiest services over the lockdown period was definitely the funding service. Our Funding Officer, Anita, and all of our Community Development Officers worked with groups to secure the emergency funds needed for communities all over Northern Ireland to respond to the COVID-19 crisis.
Read MoreLockdown hasn’t meant slow down for the training team! We have been busy putting our most popular courses online and helping our learners get to grips with virtual classes.
Read MoreSCENE Magazine is online now! This virtual edition of SCENE highlights how we have persevered and adapted to support community and resident groups throughout Northern Ireland over the past several months.
Read MoreSupporting everyone to get online is so important, now more than ever. The ONSIDE Project came just in time for many who would have been stuck at home for months without access to online shopping, video calling, and other online services. Learn how the project moved entirely online to support learners remotely.
Read MoreParents and children in Strathroy are getting extra support to tackle the challenges of homeschooling from their local community association. Read how Supporting Communities helped SCA to secure funding for tablets and homework supplies to help families continue their children’s education.
Read MoreThe Enniskillen Macular Support Group in Enniskillen are finding new ways to get connected and support each other despite needing to self-isolate during lockdown with the help of Supporting Communities’ Digital Inclusion Officer. Find out how we can help your group do the same.
Read MoreThe Carson Project is just one of the many groups in Ballymena that Supporting Communities is working with to make connections, access funding and other support. We caught up with two of the project’s workers, Ronda and Cyril Rainey, by phone to ask how they are coping with the COVID-19 crisis.
Read MoreCommunity groups and local businesses are working together to ensure everyone has enough to eat during this period of necessary stay at home orders. Jordan Laverty, CDO for the South Area, was quick to ensure the groups he works with were able to take advantage of a generous offer of free bread for those in need.
Read MoreWe’re moving our Funding Clinics online! At the moment, this service is only available to Housing Community Network members. Get in touch with our Funding and Social Value Officer, Anita Doonan, to book your appointment.
Read MoreThe Good Morning service has long been a lifeline for many older and vulnerable people throughout Northern Ireland. Now the callers find themselves on the front lines making sure their clients can cope with all the new difficulties, restrictions and worries relating to the coronavirus. Orla McCann, our CDO for the South Down area, spoke to Linda Baker, Manager of Good Morning Down, to find out what the situation is for her, her staff and their clients.
Read MoreCommunity groups are well placed to mobilise quickly and identify those who need help, but they lack the funding to sustain emergency efforts on an ongoing basis. Supporting Communities is working to address that and the other barriers that groups are facing when responding to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Read MoreWhen we need to be physically apart, we will find new ways to be together. Access resources to help yourself and others to make the most of the internet.
Read MoreCommunities all over the world are now dealing with an unprecedented health emergency the likes of which we have not seen in our lifetimes. At Supporting Communities, we want to do everything in our power to continue to support and assist our members to respond effectively to this crisis.
Read MoreThis is a difficult and somewhat frightening time for everyone as we adjust our lives to deal with the new necessities of preventing and delaying the spread of the coronavirus. At Supporting Communities, we want to do everything we can to continue support community groups. Here are just a few of our favourite online communication tools to help keep you feel connected even when we need to stay apart.
Read MoreSupporting Communities promotes best practice in Community Participation in Northern Ireland through a 'grassroots' approach to Community Development, providing tailored support, advice, information and training to new and existing Community Groups, Statutory and Voluntary Organisations
Book an online session with our Funding and Social Value Officer for some one-to-one funding support.
This short online session will help you get a better understanding of what we mean when we talk about ‘Social Value’ and ‘Impact Measurement’.
Book an online session with our Funding and Social Value Officer for some one-to-one funding support.
Book an online session with our Funding and Social Value Officer for some one-to-one funding support.
Join us for a two day event delving into all things tenant participation!
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