Funding Support in Times of Crisis

by Anita Doonan, Funding & Social Value Officer

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Supporting Communities supports groups within the Housing Executive's Housing Community Network and other voluntary organisations access much-needed funds to address issues within their local communities. Since lockdown was introduced, we have supported organisations to access an incredible £259,078.69!

Our funding support service has been in exceptionally high demand during this time. We have helped organisations who tirelessly apply for every opportunity, and groups who have made their first funding application due to the pandemic. We have also seen many communities who used this time to increase their capacity to deliver key projects and be more creative in their delivery.

Funding has been used by groups across Northern Ireland to deliver food hampers to those who are most in need, create activity packs for people of all ages, implement digital interventions to provide educational programmes, exercise classes and more. Groups have secured mifi’s and tablet computers for those with no internet access and created new programmes like intergenerational pen-pals, community gardening projects, graffiti projects to thank key workers, community newsletters, mental health and counselling provision, and much more!

Groups not only applied for traditional funding; they also sought out assistance from local businesses and worked in partnership with other organisations. Many set up online fundraising and held fundraising events. Part of our funding service has been to help groups make use of these options in addition to applying for grants.

The impact of all this work is immeasurable when we know that the consequences of this pandemic has been considerable for many. One project beneficiary described the community support she received as a lifeline; without the group, she said she would have feared for her life. Others stood on their doorsteps in tears, overwhelmed by the generosity of community volunteers. Many have said, ‘I’ve never got anything for free in my life’ as food hampers were delivered.

Many funding bodies have also stepped up, responding to the pandemic by shifting their focus to address the new and emerging issues within our communities. Funders have allowed groups to reprofile monies received and worked with them to ensure the smoothest delivery of funds, sometimes within a matter of days.

As lockdown begins to ease and we reunite with family, friends, and loved ones, I can’t help but reflect on my work over the last four months supporting organisations and people without whom, we would be in a very different place today.