Material Focus's Electricals Recycling Fund Opens for 2025 Applications

Material Focus, an independent not-for-profit organisation whose mission is to stop electricals from being hoarded and thrown away, is once again offering grants to communities across the UK to reuse and recycle small household electricals.

A total of £750,000 is available to support two types of projects:

  • Growing existing services – grants of up to £100,000 for projects that grow existing collection methods for small electricals. This could be community drop points in libraries and other community locations, adding cages under refuse collection vehicles, bring banks/WEEE banks.

  • Innovating new methods – grants of up to £50,000 to come up with new approaches to repair, reuse and/or recycle electricals, for example, collection points at large offices/campuses, drop-offs at post offices, major supermarkets, large shopping centres, retail parks, collection of waste electricals using the return journey/spare capacity during collection/delivery of parcels, or projects that support tackling the growing concerns around digital inclusion.

The funding can be used for:

  • The purchase of new bins/collection points (‘bring banks’).

  • The adaptation of waste collection vehicles to include cages for kerbside WEEE.

  • Vehicle rental.

  • Installation of bins.

  • Communication and marketing materials.

  • Staffing costs to cover the time spent planning and delivering the project.

  • Salaries if the person is working to deliver the funded project.

A range of registered organisations can apply, including charities, local authorities, waste partnerships, private waste contractors, other private companies, and compliance schemes.

Material Focus will provide successful applicants with project management support.

Applications are accepted on a rolling basis.

For more information, please visit Electricals Recycling Fund - Material Focus

Parkinson’s UK Physical Activity Grants Open for 2025 Applications

Parkinson’s UK supports activity providers, national governing bodies, Parkinson’s groups and branches, and sports and healthcare professional who are based and operating within the UK.

For a fifth year, grants of between £500 and £3,000 are available to support physical activity projects for people with Parkinson's within the UK.

The funding is for projects that can demonstrate the following desired impact:

  • People with Parkinson's become and stay active, and/or significantly increase their levels of activity if they are already active.

  • More physical activity provision for everyone with Parkinson’s across the UK.

  • Improved social wellbeing in people with Parkinson’s as a result of attending the project.

Priority will be given to innovative and new projects that will help people with Parkinson's:

  • Become and stay active, or 

  • Who are already active to significantly increase their levels of physical activity.

Projects should reach and engage with a wide range of people with Parkinson's especially those who may be from the following groups:

  • Newly diagnosed.

  • Young onset.

  • People and groups seen as 'under represented’ - including socially isolated, not digitally connected or ethnic communities.

  • People who are not engaged with Parkinson’s UK.

  • People who are inactive, or active at low levels.

  • People who are still working.

Projects must run for a minimum of three months and a maximum of 12 months and must start within three months of receiving the grant.

The funder is planning to provide specific grants to support physical activity projects for people with Parkinson’s from marginalised communities and underrepresented groups. Further details are expected later this year.

Parkinson's UK will be hosting the following free ‘Meet the Funder’ webinars:

  • 19 March 25 (10:00 - 11:00)

  • 8 April 25 (14:00 - 15:00)

Registration is required and can be done via the funder's website.

Applications are open and will be accepted until all of the funding has been allocated

For more information, please visit Grants for physical activity providers | Parkinson's UK

The Lidl Green Fund

The Lidl Green Fund is a new community sustainability initiative from Lidl Ireland. The Green Fund aims to support, promote and empower environmentally conscious and healthy local community projects across the Republic of Ireland. At Lidl, we have created the €100,000 fund to support communities take an active role in championing sustainable living.

Community groups, schools and charities across the country can apply for funding through the application portal. Shortlisted groups are selected per county by Lidl employees and independent judges and the winners are selected by publicly nominated voting in Lidl stores through the Lidl Plus App.

For further information download the guidance document which will provide an overview of the details of the Lidl Green Fund, including how to apply and what types of projects are eligible.


  • All registered charitable organisations that have a charity registration number in Ireland. You will need to provide this registration number on the nomination form.

  • Voluntary community groups or clubs

  • Primary and post primary schools


Nominations for the following applicants and projects are excluded:

  1. Organisations that relate to religious, medical or political activities.

  2. Animal charities where animals are the primary beneficiaries (exceptions include projects that involve animals where the primary beneficiaries are individuals i.e. Autism assistance dogs or similar examples.)

  3. Funding for fundraising e.g. skydive.

  4. Projects or activities that the state has a legal obligation to provide.

  5. Purchase of land.

  6. Retrospective funding (work that has already taken place.)

  7. Nominations for projects with the purpose of promoting sport/competitive sport.

  8. Do not directly benefit the community.

  9. Ongoing programme delivery or core organisation costs such as rent, salaries insurance etc.

  10. Projects taking place outside of the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland

Community groups, primary and post primary schools and charities must complete the online application form below.

We are proud to support local charities and community groups who promote social inclusion, health and wellbeing and environmental programmes. Where a local community group is hosting a community event or fundraiser which mirrors our values and pillars, we are happy to provide Lidl vouchers to support. These vouchers can be used by community groups and charities across the country for raffles, bake-sales, school healthy eating weeks, science projects and sports programmes. Please request a community request form from your local store.


Before submitting your application please download the Guidance Document and read the FAQs. You must complete all fields in the form to submit your application.
For more information on the fund and your application, please contact
This is the Application for the Lidl Green Fund Republic of Ireland. For the Northern Ireland Green Fund application portal please Click Here»

Lidl Green Fund. Get a cash grant for your sustainability project!

Sustainable Community Buildings Programme

Grants are available for voluntary and community organisations in Northern Ireland to support them in making their buildings more energy efficient, helping to save money on bills.

The funding is intended to support organisations with reducing their carbon footprint, creating an environment plan, and improving the environmental performance of their community buildings.

Grants of up to £50,000 are available.

Organisations that apply to the programme will also take part in free carbon literacy training delivered by Business in the Community, which will help them to look at ways to reduce their carbon footprint.

Action Renewables will also support organisations to write and implement an environmental plan to consider steps to improve sustainability and cut costs.


Applications will be accepted from voluntary and community organisations. This includes:

  • Registered charities.

  • Unregistered voluntary or community organisations with a governing document, eg a constitution.

  • Not-for-profit companies (company limited by guarantee).

  • Charitable Incorporated Organisations (CIO or SCIO).

  • Community Interest Companies (CIC).

To be eligible, applicants must:

  • Have at least two board or committee members who are not related.

  • Have a bank account in the organisation's name.

The applicant's community building must meet the following criteria:

  • The organisation must own their building or have an unbreakable lease for at least six years.

  • The building must be open and used, evidenced by the number of people who use the building and its opening hours.

  • The organisation must not be solely focused on delivering sports activities, or affiliated with a governing body of sport (recognised by Sport Northern Ireland).

  • The building must not already have solar panels.

Priority will be given to buildings that can demonstrate they are well used throughout an average week. 

Grants may be used for capital funding only.

Upon completing carbon literacy training and creating an environment plan, organisations invited to apply for funding to improve their building's environmental performance may use grants to support costs including:

  • Solar panels.

  • Battery storage.

  • Ground-source heat pumps.

  • Energy efficient lighting.

  • New insulation.

  • Energy-efficient windows and doors.


The deadline for applications is 23 April 2025.

There is a two-stage application process:

  • Stage 1: submit an Expression of Interest. If successful, applicants will be invited to Stage 2.

  • Stage 2: full application for funding.

Organisations successful at stage one will be asked to sign up to carbon literacy training. National Lottery Community Fund will also ask organisations to work with a sustainability expert to create an environment plan for their organisation.

Guidance notes and the online Expression of Interest form can be found on the National Lottery Community Fund website.

Contact the National Lottery Community Fund for further information.

Sustainable Community Buildings | The National Lottery Community Fund

€40m PEACEPLUS Change Maker Funding Programme - Community Information Events

The Special EU Programmes Body (SEUPB) and Pobal are currently preparing to open two new PEACEPLUS grants schemes aimed at grassroots communities.


The Change Maker Funding Programme will distribute €40 Million over the next three years to support people to people projects on a cross community and/or cross-border basis.


Ahead of the schemes formally opening, a series of ‘Be Ready’ community information events are now scheduled to take place across the PEACEPLUS Programme Area, for community, voluntary and target sector organisations who may be interested in applying over the next three years.


Co-operation Ireland, in partnership with Rural Action and East Border Region will deliver these support events across the region.


To find out about the small grants accessible under Investment Areas 1.2 and 6.2 of the PEACEPLUS Programme please register and come along to an event near you.


To register click on the community information event in your region to book to attend:


Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough Council area

3rd April - Ballyclare: 11:00 am - Ballyclare Town Hall, The Square, Ballyclare, BT39 9BB


Ards and North Down Borough Council area

24th March - Bangor: 7:00 pm - The Old Market House, 77 Main Street, Bangor , BT20 5AP


Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough Council area

16th April - Keady: 11:00 am - Tommy Makem Arts & Community Centre, 7 Cow Fair, Keady, Co. Armagh BT60 3UE


Belfast City Council area

14th April - Belfast: 7:00 pm – Co-operation Ireland, The Platform, former Europa Bus Centre Building, 10 Glengall Street, Belfast, BT12 5AH


Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council area

2nd April - Garvagh: 7:00 pm - Garvagh Community Building, 85 Main Street, Garvagh, Coleraine, BT51 5AB


Cavan County Council area

31st March - Cavan Town: 7:00 pm - Cavan Innovation & Technology Centre, Dublin Road, Cavan, H12 R6D6


Derry City & Strabane District Council area

26th March - Londonderry/Derry: 11:00 am – New Gate Arts & Culture Centre, 2-4 Kennedy Place, Londonderry, BT48, 6RF


Donegal County Council area

27th March - Termon: 7:00 pm - Craoibhin Community Enterprise Centre, Currin, Termon, Letterkenny Co. Donegal F92 TY09


Fermanagh & Omagh District Council area

27th March - Irvinestown: 7:00 pm - Bawnacre Centre, 35 Castle Street, Irvinestown, Enniskillen, Fermanagh, BT94 1EE


Leitrim County Council area

7th April - Carrick-on-Shannon: 11:00 am - The Hive, Dublin Road, Carrick-on-Shannon, County Leitrim,  N41 FD83


Lisburn & Castlereagh City Council area

8th April - Lisburn: 11:00 am - The Island Arts Centre, Civic Centre Lagan Valley Island 1, Lisburn BT27 4RL


Louth County Council area

10th April - Dundalk: 11:00 am - Muirhevnamor Community Centre, District Park, Muirhevnamore, Dundalk, Co. Louth, A91 W974


Mid and East Antrim Borough Council area

17th April - Ballymena: 11:00 am - The Braid Ballymena Town Hall, Museum & Arts Centre, 1-29 Bridge Street, Ballymena Co. Antrim BT43 5EJ


Mid Ulster District Council area

24th March - Dungannon: 7:00 pm - The Junction, 12 Beechvalley Way, Dungannon Co. Tyrone BT70 1BS


Monaghan County Council area

9th April - Castleblayney: 11:00 am - Íontas Theatre, Arts & Community Centre, Conabury, Castleblayney, Co. Monaghan, A75 HK09


Newry, Mourne and Down District Council area

10th April - Downpatrick: 11:00 am - The St Patricks Centre, Saint Patricks Square, 53A Market Street, Downpatrick, Co. Down, BT30 6LZ


Sligo County Council area

1st April - Sligo Town: 11:00 am - Sligo Northside Community Partnership, Northside Community Centre, Holborn Hill, Sligo, F91 N778



The Change Maker Funding Programme is part of PEACEPLUS, a programme managed by the Special EU Programmes Body.


PEACEPLUS is co-funded by the European Union, the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the Government of Ireland, and the Northern Ireland Executive.


Support for Applicants to the Change Maker Funding Programme


Co-operation Ireland, in partnership with Rural Action and East Border Region are providing support to applicants to the programme.


Groups or organisations can register online to access support at: The PEACEPLUS Change Maker Funding Programme - Co-operation Ireland


Information about the Change Maker Funding Programme is also accessible via the Special EU Programmes Body website at: The PEACEPLUS Change Maker Funding Programme - SEUPB


For support enquiries our helpdesk is available at

BBC Children in Need to Pause Grant Applications for Four Months from 15 April

Groups who are planning to apply to the BBC Children in Need Core or Project grants programme will need to act quickly as the funder has announced it will be unable to accept Expressions of Interest over a four-month period, during which time it will be moving to a new grantmaking system.

Expressions of Interest will close on 15 April 2025 and are expected to reopen in mid to late September 2025.

Over the next five weeks, registered charities and not-for-profit organisations who work with disadvantaged children and young people of 18 years and under living in the UK, the Isle of Man or the Channel Islands can apply for either core costs or project costs.

The maximum grant is £120,000 (or £40,000 over three years), though most grants made are for much less than this.

More information about the transition to the new grantmaking system can be found on the BBC Children in Need website

The deadline for Expressions of Interest is 15 April 2025 (23:59).

IT4Good Grants Programme Reopens for Second 2025 Funding Round

Grants of up to £15,000 are available or educational establishments and constituted not-for-profit organisations across the UK to support IT projects and activities.

The WCIT Charity will support activities within the themes of education, inclusion, IT for charities, and understanding of IT, such as the development and delivery of new services, solutions, training, apps, analytics, AI, robotics, or accessibility features/hardware.  

Projects that are more likely to be funded include:

  • Projects where WCIT is a material or sole funder.

  • Projects where WCIT is the sole funder of the IT component of a larger project.

  • Organisations that could benefit from pro-bono support.

Proposals should demonstrate an innovative use of IT, be scalable for wider replication, and be sustainable over time. Grants of over £15,000 may be considered in exceptional circumstances.

Applications are typically considered four committee meetings per year.

The deadline for consideration at the next committee meeting is 7 May 2025.

For more information, please visit Home - WCIT Charity

Coca Cola Thank You Fund Accepting Applications

Coca-Cola Ireland is inviting applications for the 2025 Thank You Fund, which aims to support community-based projects for young people aged 16 to 25 in Ireland and Northern Ireland.

The Fund, managed by The Irish Youth Foundation, has a total budget of €200,000 (approximately £171,000), with grants ranging from €8,000 to €15,000 (£7,000 to £13,000). Funding must be spent before 31 May 2026.

The funding focuses on initiatives that empower individuals under the themes of inclusion and inspiration. Projects must promote educational and employability skills or implement community interventions that foster a sense of belonging and support among young people.

Applications will be accepted from not-for-profit youth-focused organisations.

The funding can be used for costs related to programme delivery.

The deadline for applications is 26 March 2025.

For more information, please visit Coca-Cola Thank You Fund 2025 - Irish Youth Foundation

Community Food Initiatives Programme 2025-28

Safefood is inviting applications for funding for its Community Food Initiatives programme 2025-28. The programme is funded by Safefood and administered by SECAD Partnership CLG.

Safefood is an all-island implementation body set up under the British-Irish Agreement (1999) to promote awareness and knowledge of food safety and healthy eating on the island of Ireland.

Criteria To Apply

Organisations must:

•    Be a community-led organisation with a legal status and appropriate governance structure

•    Be experienced in the management of public funds which support social inclusion initiatives

•    Currently employ and manage full time professionals with community development experience

•    Have experience of working with target groups

•    Be supporting other broader community initiatives through their work

•    Provide supports across communities irrespective of age, race or creed

SECAD will hold an online information session on 19 March 2025 from 2.30 pm to 3.30 pm.  Please email for details.


How to apply

Please contact Sinéad Conroy at to receive the link to register and to make an online application.

You will also receive the Supporting Information document which contains:

  • Full details of the funding available

  • Booklets containing case studies, including community event and small projects, from Safefood Community Food Initiatives during 2016-2021.

The closing date for funding applications is 21 March 2025.

If you have any queries about the funding or completing the application form, please contact Sinéad Conroy at:


M: +353 (0)87 354 3606

Funding for Projects to Improve Financial Wellbeing

Abrdn Financial Fairness Trust makes around 15 to 20 awards each year, intending to award around £3 million annually to organisations across the UK. These include voluntary organisations, think tanks, campaigning groups, research bodies and universities. Most funded projects will benefit residents from across the UK. However, the Trust is keen to support work in Scotland, including UK-wide work with a Scottish element.

There is no minimum or maximum size of grant. Grants typically range between £10,000 and £200,000, with most being between £50,000 and £120,000 in total. The funding may be spread over one, two or three years, and sometimes shorter periods, for example, six months.

The funding is intended for strategic work, including policy work, campaigning and research that has the potential to improve financial well-being for those on low to middle incomes and on a national scale.

Eligible projects must focus on one or more of the following areas:

  • Income:

    • Wages

    • Social Security

    • Pensions

    • Taxation

  • Spending:

    • Cost of living

    • Consumer spending

    • Gambling harms

    • Borrowing

    • Payment problems

    • Net zero

  • Assets:

    • Taxation

    • Retirement saving

    • General saving

    • Housing

In January 2024, the Trust launched a Climate Change and Household Finances in the UK programme. The programme aims to support projects focused on the household finances of people on low-to-middle incomes in the UK during the transition to Net Zero and adjustment to climate change. Projects must focus on Net Zero and financial wellbeing within one of the main funding programme themes: income, assets and spending.

Funding can be used for project and ongoing costs, including staff salaries and overheads. 

Applicants to the Climate Change and Household Finances in the UK programme must contact Abrdn Financial Fairness Trust before applying.

There are typically two application deadlines per year.

The next deadline for applications is 5 June 2025. For more information, please visit Our funding process | abrdn Financial Fairness Trust

Ireland's Reconciliation Fund Accepting Applications

Funding is available to organisations working to build better relations within and between traditions in Northern Ireland, between North and South, and between Ireland and Britain.

The Department of Foreign Affairs Reconciliation Fund awards grants to non-governmental organisations (NGOs), community groups and voluntary organisations. From 2023, the Reconciliation Fund moved to operating one annual funding round.

In line with the Reconciliation Fund Strategy 2021-2024 (the new fund strategy is expected to launch in Autumn 2025)‌‌, the fund's priorities are rooted in two key overarching thematic pillars - 'Repairing' and 'Building'. The Reconciliation Fund will focus its support on reconciliation and peacebuilding work that seeks to:

  • Repair those issues which lead to division, conflict, and barriers to a deeply reconciled and peaceful society.

  • Build a strong civil society that encompasses all communities, through the continued implementation of the Agreements and promoting a rights-based society, political stability and respect for all.

Grants are awarded for a 12-month period and can cover the direct cost of project activities, core operational costs, or capital costs.

The deadline for Annual Round Funding applications is 19 March 2025.

For more information, please visit - Reconciliation Fund

Young Futures Fund

Young Futures Fund is a new funding opportunity, with grants ranging from £500 to £1,000, to be used to specifically support young people aged from 13-21.

The application window for this fund opens on Thursday 27th February (Noon). Please use this time to prepare an application.

Asda Foundation recognises the importance of supporting young people in our communities, with a particular focus on their mental health and wellbeing. This year, we will be providing up to £500,000, via the Young Futures Fund, to support young people in their development.

Whether you’re hosting a safe space for young people to be together or delivering workshops to educate 13-21 year olds on important topics such as knife crime, the Young Futures Fund can be used to deliver projects near you.

This grant is for groups which meet at least one of the following objectives:

  • Provide services that support, educate and empower.

  • Connect young people to their peers.

  • Support rehabilitation and recovery and provide shelter.

  • Deliver activities / programmes that improve physical health and wellbeing.

For more information and to apply, please visit Young Futures Fund | Asda Foundation

Call 1.1 Financial Assistance 2025/2026 – 80th Anniversary VE & VJ Day

Opening on the 17 February 2025 at 12.00 midday

Closing on the 03 March 2025 at 12.00 midday.

Guidance Notes can be reviewed online when Call opens via:

Information Workshops can be booked via TicketSource:

Workshop details: Thursday 20 February 2025 at 6.30pm via Microsoft Teams.

Groups wishing to be notified of future funding opportunities, should request their details be added to the Financial Assistance Contact Database by contacting:

Grants & Funding Unit

T: 0330 137 4040


RTÉ Toy Show Appeal 2025 – Addressing Essential Needs Grants

Thanks to the continued generosity of the Irish public, this year the Appeal raised over €4,800,000 which will be distributed through the RTÉ Toy Show Appeal Grant Rounds in the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland. Each grant round will centre around three themes:

  • Addressing Essential Needs

  • Improving Wellbeing

  • Creativity and Play


The RTÉ Toy Show Appeal grant round will open on Monday 17th February. Children and young people charities will be able to apply for funding until 1pm on Friday 21st March. Applicants should ensure that their organisation’s governance information is up to date before submitting their application.

CFNI is hosting a how-to webinar on Tuesday 25th February at 11 am to support charities in their application. This covers information relevant to both the Impact and the Community awards including the criteria, the application form and how to write a strong application. Sign up to the webinar here.

We recommend that applicants attend this webinar to find out more about the criteria and how to apply. The webinar will be recorded and published if you cannot make it on the day.

For more information and to apply, please visit RTÉ Toy Show Appeal 2025 - Addressing Essential Needs Grants - Community Foundation Northern Ireland

Grant Aid & Bursary Support – 1st Call for applications now open

Fermanagh and Omagh District Council provides funding to voluntary clubs, societies, community groups, social enterprises and sporting organisations for grant aid.  Bursaries are also available to individuals in the area of Culture and Sport.

Applicants must be based within the Fermanagh and Omagh District Council area.


Applications for the following Grant Aid / Bursary streams opened on Wednesday, 12 February 2025 and will close on Wednesday, 12 March 2025 at 5pm.

Applications are invited in the categories listed below:-

  Grant Aid:

  • Community & Wellbeing

  • Community Premises Support

  • Good Relations

  • Irish in the Community

  • PCSP – Policing & Community Safety Partnership

  • Project Development – (Rolling)

  • Seeding (Rolling)

  • Sports Team – Significant Sporting Achievement Fund (Rolling)

  • Summer Schemes 2025 – July/August

  • Ulster Scots in the Community

  • Verti-Draining


  • Irish Language (Gaeltacht), Minors, Adult, Family

  • Irish Language (Academic)

  • Sport (Rolling)


  • Good Relations Schools Shared History Programme

Projects/Activities must take place during the 2025-2026 financial year.


Grant Aid – for Older Persons Groups

Older Persons Groups must apply directly to the South West Age Partnership (SWAP) for the Council’s Community & Wellbeing Grant Aid stream. For further information or to apply for Grant Aid please contact:-

Allison Forbes Tel:  07955787456  or Email:


For more information including details on the Funding Clinics, please visit Grant Aid & Bursary Support - 1st Call for applications NOW OPEN – Fermanagh & Omagh District Council

Music for All's Community Project Fund Accepting UK Applications

Music for All, the charity of the UK musical instrument industry, is currently accepting applications for its first funding round of 2025.

Groups, schools, any form of educational establishment, community projects, charities, and organisations that are bringing music to their communities in the UK can apply.

Priority will be given to applicants who are most in need of help.

In the current round, grants of up to £2,000 are available in the following areas:

  • Working with primary school-aged children –  community-based groups providing music-making opportunities to young-people aged between 4–11 can apply, including groups operating in caring as well as more formal educational settings. Applicants should be able to demonstrate ways in which they nurture underprivileged young talent through their work. 

  • Learning and cognitive challenges –  community-based groups providing opportunities to make music to those with learning and cognitive challenges, including but not limited to autism, aphasia, dyslexia, dyspraxia, dyscalculia, attention deficit and memory loss, can apply. Groups operating in caring and educational settings are welcome to apply.

  • Working with diverse communities from the Global Majority, in collaboration with Black Lives in Music – community-based groups providing music-making opportunities working with diverse communities from the global majority can apply.

Decisions are usually conveyed within three months of the application deadline.

The deadline for Round 1 applications is 27 March 2025 (23:59).

For more information, please visit Individual Funding | Music For All

Reconciliation Fund’s Annual Funding Round now open for applications

The Reconciliation Fund’s Annual Funding Round (for 12-month funding) opens Wednesday 12 February 2025 at 11 AM. They are accepting applications through their online portal until the final closing date of Wednesday 19 March 2025 at 12 PM. 

Since 2023, the Reconciliation Fund has moved to one annual funding application round only. This means there is no longer an autumn application round for annual grants. Please ensure that if you are planning to apply for grant funds from the Reconciliation Fund in 2025, you are prepared to submit an application in this upcoming round. 

In addition to project funding, the Reconciliation Fund will welcome applications for core operational as well as certain capital costs. Further information on this is available in the Strategy document on the funder’s website. 

Find out more and apply for the Fund now(external link opens in a new window / tab).

If you have any questions, please contact by email on

Ards and North Down - In Bloom Funding

Grants are available to constituted voluntary and community groups in Ards and North Down to support floral displays across towns, villages and the city within the borough.

The funding aims to support local groups in purchasing bedding plants, shrubs and trees to enhance the appearance of the city, towns and villages in the borough.

Applications are invited from community groups (eg schools, community associations, village groups etc) within the Ards and North Down Borough.

To be eligible, groups must demonstrate how they meet the following criteria: 

  • Meet the core objectives of Ards and North Down in Bloom:

    • to increase environmental responsibility

    • to strive for horticultural excellence in public, business and residential areas

    • to encourage community participation

    • to support endeavours to achieve regional and national awards such as Ulster in Bloom

  • Provide a vision as to how the funding will enhance the particular areas and how this will be sustained in subsequent years.

  • Evidence of approval from relevant land owner where works are to be carried out.

  • Where appropriate insurance liability cover is in place, copy of certificate and schedule to be submitted.

  • How the works are to be carried out, and by whom.

  • Detailed breakdown of how funding will be utilised, and receipts submitted accordingly.


The Council will not fund:

  • Projects, events, activities undertaken, or equipment purchased outside the specified award period.

  • Projects, events, and activities where the primary benefit is outside the Borough.

  • Events, projects or activities which conflict with any Council run project, event or activity.

  • Organisations not legally established in the UK.

  • Projects, events, activities not compliant with the Council’s aims and objectives.

The funding can be used to purchase planters, bedding plants, shrubs and trees.

In Bloom Funding - Ards and North Down Borough Council

Peter Harrison Foundation - Active Lives Grant Programme

Grants are available to UK charities to support grassroots sports projects which provide opportunities for self-development for people living in the most disadvantaged areas in the UK who encounter physical, mental, social, or economic barriers. 

The Peter Harrison Foundation supports projects working with children, young people and adults who are disadvantaged or with disabilities. It offer small and major grants to charities and community amateur sports clubs in the UK and south east of England under the following two grant programmes:

  • Active Lives – opportunities through sport and physical activity. 

  • Positive Futures – opportunities for children and young people. (Covered in a separate scheme)

Grants of £5,001 to £30,000 are available (applications from organisations with a turnover of under £5 million are prioritised).

Applications are accepted from UK organisations that:

  • Are either a registered charity or a registered CASC (Community Amateur Sports Club).

  • Have been registered with the charity regulator for two years or more (charity applicants).

  • Have been registered as a CASC for two years or more (CASC applicants).

  • Have produced independently examined or audited accounts for at least one full year of operation.

Priority will be given to organisations with a turnover of under £5 million.

February 2025 Announcement:

To help the Foundation manage the significant rise in applications it is prioritising applicants whose work most closely aligns to its mission. Unless applicants meet all the following criteria for Active Lives applications they are unlikely to be successful:

  • Work with people living with disabilities in the top 10% of areas of deprivation (Indices of Multiple Deprivation decile 1) AND

  • Are from organisations with a track record of working with this population AND

  • Have a robust plan for wider impact of the project through dissemination, training etc.


All applications to Active Lives must fulfil at least one of the following criteria:

  • Offer high-impact, life-enhancing opportunities for those who live in the top 40% of areas of deprivation (IMD deciles 1–4).

  • Remove barriers to participation for people with disabilities, especially those living in the most deprived areas (as defined by IMD).

Work in the top 10% most deprived areas (IMD decile 1) is the highest priority.

Projects must also:

  • Focus on grassroots involvement rather than elite participation in physical activity.

  • Focus on skills development and confidence building for individuals.

  • Incorporate effective strategies for wider impact, perhaps through training, partnerships and/or dissemination activities.  

  • Demonstrate a high degree of involvement across the organisation from beneficiaries and those with lived experience.  

To be eligible projects/activities must:

  • Take place in the UK.

  • Provide opportunities for personal or skills development through participation in physical activity.

  • Meet the needs of people who are living with disabilities and/or living in the most deprived areas.

Due to an unprecedented surge in demand for funding, the Peter Harrison Foundation has announced it will close to new funding applications until further notice from 2 April 2025. Applications received by the end of the day on 1 April 2025 will still be considered.

Active Lives | Peter Harrison Foundation

King Charles III Charitable Fund - Small Grants

Small grants are available for UK registered non-profit organisations supporting grassroots projects in diverse and deprived communities in the United Kingdom.

The scheme provides small grants to support independent UK registered non-for-profit organisations for grassroots, community-based projects that fall within its core funding themes:

  • Heritage and conservation.

  • Education.

  • Health and wellbeing.

  • Social inclusion.

  • Environment.

  • Countryside.

Grants of up to £5,000 are available per year for three years. The maximum amount that can be applied for is £15,000 in total and the average award is £2,500.

The total cost of the project should not exceed £200,000.

Approximately 100 community-based organisations are awarded grants each year.

Applications are accepted from UK registered not-for-profit organisations, including charities, community interest companies and parish councils, that have:

  • An annual income of less than £1 million.

  • Completed at least two years of activity.

  • Less than six months of unrestricted free reserves.

Applicants must have waited at least one year from the date of any previous unsuccessful application or one year from the date of the end of the award period for previously successful applicants.

The next application round opens on 10 February and closes on 24 February 2025.

The February 2025 round is open to organisations working across the Social Inclusion and Health and Wellbeing funding themes in the priority areas: Wales, Northern Ireland, East Midlands, West Midlands, North East and the South East.

An online application form and guidance notes are available on the KCCF website.

For more information, please visit Small grants - King Charles III Charitable Fund