SCENE Magazine: The Summer of Zoom Edition

Creating and maintaining community connections, 'IRL' or online, matter in ways we can appreciate like never before. As we settle into the 'new normal', Supporting Communities is helping groups find their feet to cope with the challenges of isolation, social distancing, and learning new ways to work together.

This edition of SCENE highlights how we have persevered and adapted to support community and resident groups throughout Northern Ireland over the past several months.

We are continually heartened and impressed (but not surprised!) by the generosity and the community spirit shown by community organisations. Many have gone above and beyond to care for the most vulnerable amongst us, making a life-saving difference to their neighbours.

We are committed to continuing to be the essential link between residents and statutory agencies, ensuring your voices are heard and your concerns are considered in the decisions that affect your lives - even if it has to be through a computer screen for a while longer!