Pudsey Next Steps

This funding is for groups new to Children in Need i.e. those who have not had a grant with us before, and who have a turnover of less than 100k per annum. 

You can apply for project costs or core costs up to 15k per year for 3 years through our normal grant process on our website.

First step is to submit an expression of interest through link below  - you can choose project or a core grant but for core there needs to be a clear connection between the core funding requested and direct outcomes/benefit for children and young people .  Once you submit your Expression of Interest we will assign those eligible to Pudsey Next Steps, and then invite those who are successful to submit an application.


The EOI is short but you will need to have your project idea and costs thought out before you submit this.  Our Pudsey Next Steps  funding is time sensitive and we would need any Expression of Interest eligible through before the end of August. 


For more information please contact Barbara Wallace on 0303 080 0940


Community Grants Programme

The overall aim of the Halifax Foundation is:

To support charitable organisations within Northern Ireland to enable people, who are disadvantaged or with special needs, to participate actively in their communities.

The Foundation has two main target areas to which it seeks to allocate funds:

  • Social and Community Needs

  • Education and Training

Types of costs funded include - materials and equipment, contribution towards salary costs, overheads, transport costs, volunteer expenses, training/tutor costs, activity costs and refurbishment costs.

For more information and to apply, please visit Funding Opportunities 2023 | Halifax Foundation NI

Community Technical Assistance Grants

Grants are available for community groups in Antrim and Newtownabbey to support consultancy and administration costs.

The funding is intended to cover various expenses related to project development, such as consultancy fees, statutory approval fees, public and employer's liability insurance, and volunteer expenses.

Grants of up to £10,000 are available and projects must take place between 1 April 2023 and 31 March 2024.

Grants may be used to meet the following costs:

  • Consultancy fees (business plans / plans / feasibility studies / audits /options appraisals/economic appraisals/ environmental assessments, etc).

  • Statutory approval fees - up to a maximum of £300.

  • Public and employer's liability insurance.

  • Volunteer expenses (up to a maximum of £10 per day: ie hospitality or travel to a meeting/conference/event). Proof of expenses will be required.

For more information and to apply, please visit Grant Manager (eformz.info)

Council Grant Aid Programme

Applications for Mid Ulster Council's Grant Aid Programme 2023/2024 have opened, closing date for majority of programmes is 16th March 2023 -

  • Small Development Grant

  • Community/Sports Venue and Facilities Grant

  • Strategic Arts and Culture Development Grant

  • Strategic Sports Development Grant

  • Strategic Community Development Grant

  • Strategic Events Grant

  • Good Relations Grant (rolling programme)

  • Community Festival Grant (rolling programme)

  • Sports Representatives Grant Club/Teams (rolling programme)

  • Sports representatives Individual Grant (rolling programme)

  • Irish Language Activity Funding Grant

  • Deontas do Ghníomhaíochtaí Ghaeilge

  • MUDC Regional and Minority Language Bursary

  • Sparánacht do Theanga Mionlaigh nó Réigiúnda CCLU

There is also a new online system to help improve the process for all those groups and clubs applying for funding. Give your project a boost by visiting https://www.midulstercouncil.org/grants

B&Q Foundation Grants

The Foundation is an independent charity, set up in 2020, to build on B&Q’s commitment to make a positive difference in the communities we serve. Learn more about the B&Q Foundation and apply for funding.

The B&Q Foundation supports registered charities with a combination of grants, volunteering time and home improvement resources. It concentrates its efforts on local charities helping to create better, safes places for people who need them most.

The B&Q Foundation supports UK registered charities with a combination of grants, volunteering time and home improvement resources. From improving the safety of a home for someone with a disability, to providing residential support for people with no home of their own – the organisations it backs are making a difference to those who don’t have access to what most of us take for granted. And that helps build better communities for us all.

Grants of up to £5000 are available. For more information and to apply, please visit Apply For a Grant | B&Q Foundation (bqfoundation.org.uk)

Small Grant and Technical Assistance Grant Aid Programme 2023-2024

The aim of the Community Development Grant Aid Programme is to provide financial support for projects which have Community Development as a primary objective that improve the lives of local people. Projects must develop a strong, healthy and vibrant community whilst encouraging maximum participation in community life by all residents.

Who can apply?

Only properly constituted community, voluntary & charitable groups can apply to the grant aid scheme and must be able to meet the following conditions. The group must:

 Be comprised of at least six members.

 Be democratically accountable through regular public meetings.

 Hold an Annual General Meeting (AGM).

 Be properly constituted and include a decision making process, and aims and activities that are acceptable to the Council.

 Be managed by a publicly elected committee; the office bearing positions of Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer must be held as a minimum.

 Demonstrate a fair and equitable ethos through their established aims and objectives in accordance with Section 75 of the Northern Ireland Act (1998).

 Demonstrate that proposed activities are not a duplication of other activities.

 Produce an annual statement of independently verified or certified accounts, or a bank statement for new groups only.

 Agree to Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough Council's monitoring, evaluation, and training procedures if required.

Projects must take place between 1 April 2023 and 31 March 2024, any activity outside these timescales will not be eligible for funding.

How to apply?

Applications will be available for completion online on the Grant Manager system at https://antrimnewtownabbey.eformz.info from 12noon on Wednesday 15 February 2023.

The Small Grant & Technical Assistance Grant will be available on a rolling basis subject to the availability of funding and will open in February each year. If you are applying for the Small Grant please apply up to 8 weeks in advance of your project/activity starting or when your insurance is due for renewal as all applications need to be considered at two Council meetings.

For further information, please contact: Kerry Brady – T: 07739 609 902 E: Kerry.Brady@antrimandnewtownabbey.gov.uk

Jonathan Henderson – T: 07733 263 202 E: Jonathan.Henderson@antrimandnewtownabbey.gov.uk

Fermanagh and Omagh District Council Grant Aid and Bursaries for 2023/24

1st Call for Applications – 2023 / 2024

Applications for the following grant aid & bursary streams opens on Monday 13 February 2023 and will close on Friday 3 March 2023 at 5pm.

 Grant Aid:

  • Community & Wellbeing

  • Community Premises Support

  • Good Relations

  • Irish in the Community

  • Remembering & Commemoration – Decade of Centenaries

  • Seeding

  • Summer Schemes 2023 – July/August

  • Ulster Scots in the Community

  • Verti-Draining

Funding covers the financial year 2023 – 2024

For further information and Guidance Notes on Grant Aid Streams Open.


  • Irish Language (Gaeltacht, Minors, Adult, Family)

  • Irish Language (Academic)

  • Sport

For further information on Bursaries.  Click Here

Expressions of Interest for 2023-25

The Irish Football Association (Irish FA) and the Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport (DCMS) Multi-Sports Grassroots Facilities Investment Fund aims to allow local grassroots football clubs in Northern Ireland (NI) to improve and upgrade facilities to create a better grassroots football infrastructure foundation. 

Investment in creating the best possible multi-sports and grassroots football facilities enables young people to have the opportunity to reach their full potential in football, as well as providing the local community with access to facilities where they can participate in other sports and become healthy and active. 

The UK Government has confirmed the allocation of a £230 million uplift to England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland for investment in football facilities across the UK. Read more on this here.

DCMS has committed to supporting grassroots football facility development in Northern Ireland up to March 2025. Phase 3 of the investment covers the financial year, April 2023 to March 2024 with Phase 4 covering April 2024 to March 2025. 

Two million pounds of capital funding has been secured for 2023/24, with a further £3.59 million of capital funding to be delivered in 2024/25.  Projects to be supported will be selected for their ability to deliver improved facilities in deprived areas, support multi-sport use and increase participation among currently underrepresented groups, including women, girls and those with a disability. 

The Irish FA / DCMS Multi-Sport Grassroots Facilities Investment Fund 2023-25 will be directed towards larger capital projects primarily focusing on the installation and improvement of natural grass or certified artificial grass pitches (AGP).  Funding will support and be directed towards the installation of new or replacement natural grass surfaces, new or replacement artificial grass surfaces or new multi-use games areas (MUGA).

Associated pitch infrastructure will be considered for funding in addition to the pitch installation e.g. changing rooms, floodlighting, fencing etc.

In order to understand the number, type and scale of projects which may come forward over the next two financial years, we are running an Expression of Interest (EOI) process. The EOI will gather crucial information on proposed projects at early stages of their development, identifying future investment possibilities.  It is anticipated that applications for funding will be opened in February / March 2023. 

EOIs will be open for over two weeks from Wednesday 18 January 2023 and will close at 12 noon on Friday 3 February 2023.   The EOI can be accessed via the link below.

A full list of the questions on the Expression of Interest form can be found in the PDF download below.


Irish FA/ DCMS Grassroots Facilities Investment Fund...

Financial Assistance 2023-2024

Newry, Mourne and Down District Council invites applications for financial assistance towards the programmes areas outlined below:

Scheme details

Call 1 - Financial Assistance 2023-2024

Open to Community Voluntary Sector (ALL)

Open to Community Voluntary Sector (ALL) and Business

Open to Community Associations Only 

Applicants must meet the definition of a community association given in the guidance notes, documentation will be required as evidence.

Open to Community Associations Managing a Community Facility 

Applicants must meet the definitions of a Community Association and community facility given in the guidance notes, documentation will be required as evidence.

Closing Date for applications is Tuesday 17 January 2023 at 12pm for all themes except Community Capital for Community Facilities which closes on Tuesday 14 February 2023.

For more information and to apply, please visit Grant Manager (eformz.info)

Community Development & Festivals Grants

The Community Development and Festivals Grant Aid Programme provides financial support for groups in the Antrim and Newtownabbey District Council area which have Community Development as a primary objective that improves the lives of local people. Projects must also develop a strong, healthy and vibrant community whilst encouraging maximum participation in community life by all residents.

Scheme details

This is a new three-year Community Development Grant Aid Programme (2023-2026) which will allow interested community/voluntary/charitable organisations to apply for grant aid for community facilities and programmes/activities to cover a three-year period (subject to availability of funding), with the exception of the Small Grant & Technical Assistance Grant which will continue to be available all year round on a rolling basis.

The aim of the Community Development Grant Aid Programme is to provide financial support for projects which have Community Development as a primary objective that improve the lives of local people. Projects must develop a strong, healthy and vibrant community whilst encouraging maximum participation in community life by all residents.

What is a Community Development Project?

Organisations applying to this fund must have community development as a primary objective of their application. A ‘project’ is a series of activities with a common theme delivered within a defined start and end date.  There should be a clear purpose to the activity and it should be based on sound community need.  The activity should promote participation, involvement, progression and create a sense of community ownership and pride contributing in a positive way to the social well being of the community.

What is a Festival?

A community ‘festival’ is defined as a series of events with a common theme and delivered within a defined time period. It is developed from within a community and should celebrate and positively promote what the community represents. Community festivals are about participation, involvement, inclusion and the creation of a sense of identity, and are important in contributing to the social well-being of a community.

Community Development Grant Aid - two options available are:

1) Community Programmes and Activities Grant (up to £5,000 available per year for a three-year period, £15,000 max. in total for the three-year period) – which will cover what was previously community outreach and involvement and summer scheme and will also cover insurance. Summer Programmes are limited to £3,000 per year - £2,000 for Programme & £1,000 for Insurance. 

2) Community Facilities and Programmes Grant (up to £10,000 available per year for a three-year period, up to £5000/year for facilities/ premises and up to £5,000/year for Programmes - £30,000 max. in total for the three-year period) – which will cover what would have been premises, community outreach and involvement, summer scheme and insurance.

Community Festivals Fund Grant Aid

Maximum amount available per year is £5,000 but up to £10,000 per year for events attracting more than 5,000 people. The maximum available for a three year period is either £15,000 if less than 5,000 attendees or £30,000 if more than 5,000 attendees.

Small Grant

Rolling programme, one grant per year for seedling activity and/or insurance up to £1,000.

Large Grant

Rolling programme, one grant per year for techincal assistance up to £10,000

For more information and to apply please visit Grant Manager (eformz.info)

Financial Assistance 2023-2024 – Call 1

Newry, Mourne and Down District Council invites applications for financial assistance towards the programmes areas outlined below:

Open to Community Voluntary Sector (ALL)

  • Community Engagement

  • Community Events & Festivals (Projects running between 01 April 2023 - 30 September 2023)

  • Community Growing 'Let's Grow NMD'

  • Irish Language

  • Local Biodiversity Enhancement

  • Minority Communities

  • Suicide Prevention & Emotional Wellbeing

Open to Community Voluntary Sector (ALL) and Business

  • Tourism Events

Open to Community Associations Only 

Applicants must meet the definition of a community association given in the guidance notes, documentation will be required as evidence.

  • Community Summer Schemes

Open to Community Associations Managing a Community Facility 

Applicants must meet the definitions of a Community Association and community facility given in the guidance notes, documentation will be required as evidence.

  • Community Capital for Community Facilities

  • Community Facilities Minor Capital Items

  • Service Level Agreements for Community Facilities 2023-2027

  • Facility Management Agreement 2023-2027 (Closed call for Council-owned facilities only)

Opening Date: Tuesday 6 December 2022 at 12pm

Closing Date: Tuesday 17 January 2023 at 12pm for all themes except Community Capital for Community Facilities which closes on Tuesday 14 February 2023

Online Funding Workshops

Online workshops providing an overview of the themes, key changes for 2023/2024 financial assistance and guidance on procurement will be available on the following dates:

  • Monday 12 December 2022, 2pm

  • Wednesday 14 December 2022, 7pm

  • Thursday 15 December 2022, 10.30am

To book a place on one of the workshops please click here. A link to the online workshop is provided automatically by Eventbrite upon registration.

Please noteAll themes are subject to funding availability. Late application submissions will not be accepted under any circumstances.

Groups wishing to be notified of future funding opportunities should request their details to be added to the Councils database by contacting:

The Programmes Unit

T: 0330 137 4040 / 0330 137 4782

E: programmesunit@nmandd.org

Keystone Fund

Sharply increased demand for services, economic pressures and an ongoing decline in public donations is putting many smaller charities across the UK under heavy strain.

The Keystone Fund aims to enable locally and regionally-focused charities working towards social equity to become more agile in their support for their communities. It provides a programme of unrestricted grants, networking and access to advice webinars and toolkits.

The legacy of the fund will be greater opportunities for those who need it most, along with charities that are in a stronger position to continue to support them, thereby accelerating progress in society towards a fair and sustainable future for all.

CAF intends that through these grants and access to additional resilience building resources, small charities will be better positioned now and for the future as keystones in their communities.

Grants available

  • Unrestricted grants, intended to enable charitable organisations in the UK to adapt ways of working, strengthen capacity or build resilience, according to identified needs.

  • Grants will be awarded between £5,000 and £50,000

  • Approximately 120 grants will be awarded over 2-3 rounds during 2022-23.

  • Grant funds must begin to be spent within 6 months of grant payment, but can be carried forward into the following financial year if required to enable flexibility. They should be fully spent within 24 months of grant payment.

Grants will not normally be restricted to specific projects, but we will ask you to tell us how you would like to use the funds. We intend that charitable organisations can use a grant to become more agile in their support for their communities. This might include the costs of leadership time to develop strategy or organisational capacity, or to access additional external expertise, support and advice to develop their resilience plans. Grants might also be used for staff costs, digital costs, overheads, delivery costs or equipment, according to your identified longer-term needs.

In addition, building on CAF’s advisory opportunities for charities across the UK, all grant holders will gain access to webinars, toolkits, and networking opportunities to accelerate their impact.

Priorities for the Keystone Fund

We will support eligible charitable organisations to:

  • Adapt their ways of working (eg digital capability, staff and volunteer training, operational challenges)

  • Bolster their core building blocks (eg governance, strategic planning, capacity building)

This fund is not designed to support direct service provision or capital projects.

How and when can we apply?

A two-stage online application process aims to provide the smoothest possible process for small charities to apply:

  • Stage 1: You will complete a small number of eligibility questions, and provide a short overview of your work

  • Stage 2: Selected organisations will then be invited to complete a more detailed application

We will offer a short webinar for any organisation which is invited to Stage 2 so that you can ask questions about the application process.


  • Stage 1 applications open: 9 November – 23 November

  • Webinar for further information: 2 December (recording also available)

  • Stage 2 applications open: 7 December – 9 January

  • Decisions communicated: February 2023

There will be more than one round of funding. Further rounds will be announced and are likely to take place in Spring/Summer 2023.

For more information and to apply, please visit Keystone Fund (cafonline.org)

Enkalon Foundation

Enkalon Foundation was established in 1985 following the closure of the British Enkalon Factory in Antrim. The aim of the fund was to support the local community and ex-employees.

As the foundation grew support was offered to charities and community groups across Northern Ireland. To date the foundation has given out over £5 million across Northern Ireland via 6,500 grants. £2.6 million of this funding has been in the former Antrim Borough.

Funding Outline

Enkalon Foundation has an annual budget of around £200,000 which is used to support ex-employees with healthcare equipment as well as charities and community groups to meet and deliver their core objectives through the General Fund.

Applications to the General Fund may be for core running or project costs but must clearly demonstrate the need for the funding and how the group, users and wider community will benefit from it. Enkalon Foundation is a small funder and whilst applications of up to £6000 are accepted the average grant is £1000. If the overall budget exceeds the funding available other funding should be sought elsewhere. Additional applications along with any planned fundraising activities should be detailed with the application.

Enkalon Foundations range of interests are:

- The advancement of education

- The advancement of health and of saving lives

- The advancement of citizenship or community development

- The advancement of the arts, culture, heritage or science

- The advancement of amateur sport

- The relief of those in need by reason of youth, age, ill-health, disability, financial hardship or other disadvantage

- The advancement of animal welfare

Please note: Normally grants are not made to playgroups, pta's, senior citizens groups or sporting groups outside the former Antrim borough area or to individuals or for medical research or for travel or projects outside Northern Ireland.

If you wish to submit an application please click on the General Fund tab at the top of this page.

The Trustees meet quarterly and the next closing date for applications is

Wednesday 11th November, 2022.

The trustees will assess these applications in December 2022

Co Op Foundation Future Communities Grants

The Co Op Foundation has developed the Community Future  Grants Programme in recognition of the commitment in communities, and the opportunities to unlock the potential of community assets and build a vision for the future.

The total budget for the fund is £75,000 and the Co Op Foundation is offering grants of between £3,000 to £10,000 to enable communities to develop assets that are important to them, and ideas for communities that will help enable a better future.

To be eligible, your organisation must:

  • Deliver activities aligned to the aims of the programme

  • Deliver activities in Northern Ireland

  • Have a clear vision for the future of your community/community of interest

Through this fund we want to support organisations who have a focus on developing communities for the future.

We are particularly interested in, but not limited to, drawing on the voices of young people and developing young people to be the leaders, co-operators, organisers and activists in and for these future communities.

We want to support organisations that are working to bring their vision for future communities to life.

We want to see cooperation, leadership, and people working towards the kind of communities they want to live in, building on the assets within their communities to support that vision.

We will be looking for a compelling vision for geographical communities, and/or communities of interest. We want to see what can be done to help ensure a fair community, built upon co-operative values of self-help, self-responsibility, democracy, equality, equity, and solidarity.

We encourage you to think about partnering with other members of the community e.g. to share costs and solutions if you have similar needs. However, we  recognise this may not always be appropriate depending on your planned use of the grant.

We want to support what groups and communities need, rather than what we think they might need. You can apply for a grant from £3,000 up to £10,000 to support your organisation. Uses of the grant may include, but are not limited to:

  • Contribution to core costs, including staffing costs

  • Equipment

  • Investment that helps you scale

  • Project costs

The Fund will close for applications at 1pm on Tuesday 11 October 2022.

For more information and to apply, please visit Co Op Foundation Future Communities Grants - Community Foundation Northern Ireland (communityfoundationni.org)

Grant Making Strategy for 2022-2025

BBC Children and Need have just launched a new Grant-Making Strategy for 2022-2025, with a new funding programme launching mid-October this year. This programme will offer project based funding, and also funding for core (organisational) costs. The strategy focusses on the principles of:

  • Sharing power with children and young people

  • Acting flexibly

  • Using BBC Children in Need’s voice to build awareness and empathy around issues

  • Building partnerships to bring communities and investors together

In Spring 2023, a funding stream will also be launched for smaller, emerging organisations. This stream is aimed at organisations who may need greater support to access funding.

For more information about available grants, please click here. If you would like to speak to one of the Northern Ireland team about a potential application, you can get in contact via email cin.ni@bbc.co.uk

LCCC DIY Community Fund 2022/23

The DIY Community Fund is a grant scheme to support the refresh, refurbishment, or general improvement of existing community facilities. The grant will enable groups and organisations to improve income opportunities and make the facility more user friendly to engage the local community further.

The fund will make provision to fix, repair, maintain or improve community facilities to offer a wider range of activities and services to broaden community engagement and respond to community needs. Its focus will be on improving community facilities to develop resilient communities where people are engaged and empowered. 

The community and voluntary sector deliver crucial services locally providing facilities for a range of purposes.  This grant scheme is aimed at the following:

  • stimulating recovery following covid in local communities

  • enhancing the internal/external environment of local facilities

  • encouraging increased participation and programme delivery

  • improving competitiveness and increasing income generation opportunities

The DIY Community Fund has £30,000 available. Organisations will be able to apply for grants up to a maximum of £1,000. There is no minimum amount requirement.

The DIY Community Fund is open to community and voluntary organisations based in the Lisburn & Castlereagh City Council area that meet the following criteria:

(a) formally constituted community group or voluntary organisation

(b) registered charity

(c) Community interest group*

(d) not-for-profit company limited by guarantee

 *PTAs with ownership through school. Must be for wider community use.

The closing date for receipt of applications is 12 noon on Monday 5th September.

For more information and to apply, please visit DIY Community Fund (lisburncastlereagh.gov.uk)

Small Grants 2022-23 Tranche 2 now open

Belfast City Council’s Small Grants 2022-23 Tranche 2 are now open for applications for the grants listed below. The submission deadline for receipt of applications is 12 noon on Friday 23 September 2022.

  1. Arts and Heritage Project Grant

  2. Parks Events Grant

  3. S4S Small Development Grant

  4. S4S Hospitality Grant

  5. S4S Sporting Individual Grant

For guidance notes and to apply online please visit www.belfastcity-grants.com

Belfast City Council will be holding short online information sessions on Thursday 11 August at 10:00 am and Friday 12 August at 2:00 pm on how to apply. To attend, please email cgugrants@BelfastCity.gov.uk

Revenue Grant for a Community Building

This fund aims to promote and invest in a resilient and effective independent community sector across Belfast by supporting the running costs of community buildings, in recognition that the community development activity inside allows communities to be engaged to:

  • Influence or take decisions about issues that matter to them and affect their lives.

  • Define needs, issues, and solutions for their community.

  • Take action to help themselves and make a difference.

Grants of up to £20,000 per year are available over three years (2023-2026). Awards will be paid by BACS transfer in six equal instalments over three years.

Formally constituted, not-for-profit, autonomous community development organisations can apply.

Applicants must: 

  • Operate a broad-based programme of activity to meet community needs and support community development.

  • Operate from a community building that is welcoming, inclusive, and compliant with all relevant legislative requirements for the running of a community building.

  • Have the right to use the building to deliver their programme.

Organisations that have been operating for several must provide the following:

  • A copy of their most recent, current, signed annual accounts that are no more than 18 months old.

  • Management accounts dated within the last three months and sighed by the chairperson or treasurer.

  • Copy of their most recent three months’ bank statement.

Recently established organisations must provide the following:

  • Management accounts dated within the last three months and sighed by the chairperson or treasurer.

  • Copy of their most recent six months bank statement.

Funding can be used to cover running costs for community buildings to enable groups to respond to community needs by delivering a broad-based programme and supporting community development. This includes, but is not limited to:

  • Cleaning.

  • Health and safety, including security.

  • Insurance.

  • Maintenance costs.

  • Office supplies.

  • Telephone, postage and IT costs.

  • Utilities – gas, electricity, oil, and water.

  • Rent.

  • Audit.

  • Staff who can carry out functions linked to the running of the building, such as caretakers, and cleaners.

A ‘broad-based’ programme must provide at least three activities for each of the following age groups:

  • Children and young people.

  • Adults.

  • Older people.

Funding is for projects occurring between 1 April 2023 and 31 March 2026.

The deadline for applications is 9 September 2022 (noon).

For more information and to apply please visit Grants and funds | Belfast City Council funding

Funding in Northern Ireland

The National Lottery Community Fund is the largest community funder in the UK. Each year we distribute millions of pounds of funding raised by National Lottery players to community groups and charitable projects across Northern Ireland.

Our priority is to keep money flowing to support communities across Northern Ireland.

We are here to help and want to talk to you about your ideas to support local communities. We have a range of open funding programmes and are happy to chat to you about these.

Contact us if you have an idea on 028 9055 1455 or at enquiries.ni@tnlcommunityfund.org.uk

National Lottery Awards for All Northern Ireland


  • Projects bringing local people together to make positive changes in their community.

  • No deadline, so groups can apply any time.

  • Applying is quick and simple.

  • Applications welcome from constituted voluntary or community organisations, schools, and statutory bodies.

  • If we funded you within the last two years, we may have to give priority to other groups that have not recently been funded through this programme.

  • This funding is for projects that will run for 12 months or less

People and Communities


  • Project ideas should come from the community. Talk to the people you want to help and get them involved in shaping and planning the project.

  • Your project should make good use of the skills, knowledge, resources and energy of people within your community; making it stronger and ready for the future.

  • Understand the need for your project and how it fits with the work of other organisations. Build relationships and work together on shared goals.

  • Applications welcome from constituted voluntary or community organisations, and social enterprises.

  • This funding is for projects that will run for between 1 and 5 years.

Empowering Young People


  • This funding is for projects that work with young people (8 – 25 years old), and which will run for between 1 and 5 years.

  • Projects will help young people to: have the skills they need for the future; have better relationships with their support networks and communities; and/or have improved health and wellbeing.

  • Young people must be involved in the planning and delivery of the project. They must be able to develop the skills to help themselves, and their support networks and communities need to be involved too.

  • Applications welcome from constituted voluntary or community organisations, and social enterprises.

Dormant Accounts Fund

  • The fund opened for applications on Tuesday, 12 January 2021.

  • This fund will support the voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) sector to be more resilient and prepared for the future by funding activity that increases capacity and sustainability.

  • Dormant accounts are UK bank and building society accounts that have been untouched for 15 or more years, and where banks and building societies are unable to trace the customer who owns the account. They are not derived from National Lottery activity.

  • Under Section 22 of the Dormant Bank and Building Society Accounts Act 2008, we distribute money under direction from the Department of Finance.

  • To make sure this funding has maximum impact in communities, we held a consultation in late 2019. You can read what we heard.

  • In the first phase, we have developed a flexible and responsive grant programme that will support organisations to be able to adapt to future challenges and be more financially resilient.

  • We'll also support larger investments that will enable collaboration and develop new and creative approaches to sustainability. These Northern Ireland-wide or sector-specific proposals could focus on specific themes such as volunteering, digital capacity or diversity and inclusion. If you have any questions, contact us.

Apply here - Funding in Northern Ireland | The National Lottery Community Fund (tnlcommunityfund.org.uk)

The John Moores Foundation

The John Moores Foundation is a registered charity, established in 1964, that gives money to community organisations doing charitable work in Northern Ireland and Merseyside.

They aim to enable people who face barriers, as a result of social, educational, physical, economic, cultural, geographical or other disadvantages, to improve their social conditions and quality of life. 

They favour projects that are:

  • trying to build and strengthen communities

  • working in partnership with others

  • carrying out trust building initiatives

  • addressing previously unmet needs

  • providing advice and support

  • trying to change attitudes and broaden horizons

Preference is given to organisations seeking funding for projects which fall within the Foundation’s target areas for giving which are:

  • core running costs

  • volunteer out of pocket expenses

  • education and training costs

  • venue and travel costs

  • one-off project costs

  • small items of equipment (if part of a wider project)

Priority is given to small, grass-roots and volunteer-driven organisations.  

How to Apply

Please make sure your project falls within the criteria. If you are unsure, or if you would like to discuss your application before submitting it, please telephone and we will be happy to advise you. Further info and guidance available at John Moores Foundation

To confirm your eligibility and to obtain a link to our online application form, you must first contact us by phone, email or letter. Applications should normally be made via our online application form. You can contact the Foundation by email at ni@johnmooresfoundation.com or telephone on 028 2888 6161 (Northern Ireland).

As a general rule, applicants should allow 6 months for a decision to be made. Once the application is submitted, applicants are welcome to contact the office to find out at which meetings their application may be considered.

There is no deadline as this is a rolling programme.