Co Op Foundation Future Communities Grants

The Co Op Foundation has developed the Community Future  Grants Programme in recognition of the commitment in communities, and the opportunities to unlock the potential of community assets and build a vision for the future.

The total budget for the fund is £75,000 and the Co Op Foundation is offering grants of between £3,000 to £10,000 to enable communities to develop assets that are important to them, and ideas for communities that will help enable a better future.

To be eligible, your organisation must:

  • Deliver activities aligned to the aims of the programme

  • Deliver activities in Northern Ireland

  • Have a clear vision for the future of your community/community of interest

Through this fund we want to support organisations who have a focus on developing communities for the future.

We are particularly interested in, but not limited to, drawing on the voices of young people and developing young people to be the leaders, co-operators, organisers and activists in and for these future communities.

We want to support organisations that are working to bring their vision for future communities to life.

We want to see cooperation, leadership, and people working towards the kind of communities they want to live in, building on the assets within their communities to support that vision.

We will be looking for a compelling vision for geographical communities, and/or communities of interest. We want to see what can be done to help ensure a fair community, built upon co-operative values of self-help, self-responsibility, democracy, equality, equity, and solidarity.

We encourage you to think about partnering with other members of the community e.g. to share costs and solutions if you have similar needs. However, we  recognise this may not always be appropriate depending on your planned use of the grant.

We want to support what groups and communities need, rather than what we think they might need. You can apply for a grant from £3,000 up to £10,000 to support your organisation. Uses of the grant may include, but are not limited to:

  • Contribution to core costs, including staffing costs

  • Equipment

  • Investment that helps you scale

  • Project costs

The Fund will close for applications at 1pm on Tuesday 11 October 2022.

For more information and to apply, please visit Co Op Foundation Future Communities Grants - Community Foundation Northern Ireland (