B&Q Foundation Grants

The Foundation is an independent charity, set up in 2020, to build on B&Q’s commitment to make a positive difference in the communities we serve. Learn more about the B&Q Foundation and apply for funding.

The B&Q Foundation supports registered charities with a combination of grants, volunteering time and home improvement resources. It concentrates its efforts on local charities helping to create better, safes places for people who need them most.

The B&Q Foundation supports UK registered charities with a combination of grants, volunteering time and home improvement resources. From improving the safety of a home for someone with a disability, to providing residential support for people with no home of their own – the organisations it backs are making a difference to those who don’t have access to what most of us take for granted. And that helps build better communities for us all.

Grants of up to £5000 are available. For more information and to apply, please visit Apply For a Grant | B&Q Foundation (bqfoundation.org.uk)

Community Solutions to Housing and Homelessness

The programme supports the development, testing, and delivery of new ideas and collaborations. Addressing the root causes of housing issues and homelessness, by working with a range of organisations and giving voice to individuals with lived experience across Northern Ireland.

Expressions of interest are now open! We also have a number of online information workshops so you can find out more about the programme and ask your questions. Sign up here. 

Expected outcomes:

  • New collaborations emerge amongst organisations working on housing issues and homelessness

  • New solutions to specific challenges within housing and homelessness are developed and tested, placing the insights and voices of people with lived experience at the centre

  • New opportunities to influence decision making and public services relating to housing and homelessness

  • Enhanced knowledge and skills in creative problem solving for participating individuals and organisations

For more information please visit Community Solutions to Housing and Homelessness - Community Foundation Northern Ireland (communityfoundationni.org)

Improving Lives Grant

The Improving Lives grant programme provides grants to charitable organisations that help people when other sources of support have failed, are inappropriate, or are simply not available.

We support established organisations delivering services directly to beneficiaries. We are looking for services which can demonstrate a track record of success, and evidence the effectiveness of the work.

This is our largest grants programme, through which the majority of our funds are distributed.

Grant size: £20k – £60k per year

Length: 1-3 years

Decision timescale: 6 Months

Deadlines: None

Priority areas:

We have six funding priorities that describe the work we support and how we want to bring about change for the most disadvantaged people in the greatest need.

  1. Help at a critical moment

  2. Positive choices

  3. Accommodation/housing support

  4. Employment and training

  5. Financial inclusion, rights and entitlements

  6. Support networks and family

For more information and to apply please visit https://www.henrysmithcharity.org.uk/explore-our-grants-and-apply/improving-lives-grants-programme/improving-lives-grants-programme-overview/