Sports Group Grants

The Public Health Agency, through the Clear Project, are offering constituted voluntary sector sports clubs in the Western Trust area the opportunity to avail of training, which will help them support their members and receive up to £500 worth of relevant sports equipment for their club.

In order to receive this aid clubs must:

  • Be a constituted voluntary sector sports club and enclose a copy of this document and a list of their committee members.

  • Be appropriately insured or prepared to obtain appropriate insurance if awarded.

  • Enclose the most recent annual accounts or statement of income and expenditure which must be approved and signed by an officeholder.

  • Operate within the Western Trust area.

  • Have a significant impact upon or involvement from their local community.

  • Must have a minimum of 3 to 5 members attend training, either safeTALK or another relevant approved mental health programme (Level 1 Sport NI Level 1 Mental Health Awareness e-learning module and Zero Suicide Alliance).

 Please note: This must be members who have a significant input / involvement / role within the club. 

Equipment requested should help the club develop activities that meet the needs of the local community and support the delivery of the ‘Take 5 Steps to Wellbeing’.  These are five simple steps to help maintain and improve your wellbeing through the themes of ‘Connect’, ‘Be active’, ‘Take Notice’, ‘Keep Learning’ and ‘Give’.

To claim funding from the Clear project clubs will be asked to:

  1. Submit grant application, then once accepted complete training.

  2. Seek out a quote for the equipment (quote to be approved by the Clear Project).

  3. Pay the chosen supplier directly. Where a club cannot provide sufficient evidence of proper financial processes, the Clear Project will pay for direct invoices/items needed.

  4. Submit an invoice made out to the Clear Project for the amount spent, accompanied with the receipt/s as proof of purchase.

If the club does not have the finances, then requests for advance payment will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

Any relevant sports club within the Western Trust area can apply for the funding however preference will be given to:

  • Groups operating in the top 20% most disadvantaged Super output areas (SOA’s).

  • Those with lower capacity.

Please note: The funding award will not be released until all training has been completed, and all paperwork has been returned.  All training must be completed by 31st January 2024.

Closing date for application is Monday 6th November, at 3pm

To apply, please download and complete an application form below:

Completed application forms and supporting documents will be accepted by email to