Police Property Fund Small Grants Scheme

The Police Property Fund Small Grants Scheme will open a third call for funding applications on 1 November 2023.


The Fund, which comprises assets recovered by the PSNI as the result of criminal investigations, is administered by the Board in line with the Police (Property) Regulations NI 1997.


The Board has agreed a Grant Funding Policy which will ensure available monies are used to benefit projects which deliver tangible benefits. This is in line with our Corporate and Policing Plan commitments to achieving the following 3 key outcomes:


  • We have a safe community;

  • We have confidence in policing; and

  • We have engaged and supportive communities


The Small Grants Scheme offers project funding in the range £1000-£10,000. Applications must demonstrate the following criteria to be eligible for consideration:


  • Engagement with the Police Service of Northern Ireland;

  • Contribute to community safety/ and or building confidence in policing; and

  • Closely aligned towards a charitable purpose.

 If you would like more information or to register your interest, just email policepropertyfund@nipolicingboard.org.uk