Skills and Innovation Fund

We are delighted to announce the launch of the second year of the Tacking Textiles Grant: Skills and Innovation. This follows the successful pilot grant last year, where we supported five different projects across Northern Ireland. 

These projects included:

  • developing skills within schools and communities around repair and reuse.

  • supporting vulnerable groups to access sewing classes. 

  • developing innovative online resources to inspire people.

  • supporting a local business to bring sewing and repair skills into the community and corporate world.

We are looking for your ideas that support tackling textile waste through waste prevention, reuse, repair and reimagine.

Keep Northern Ireland Beautiful is administering the grant provided by the Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs (DAERA) – Waste Prevention Policy Branch to explore ways to reduce the environmental impacts of textiles.

The production, consumption and disposal of clothing and textiles is a growing environmental issue both locally and globally. Across the UK we are throwing away over one million tonnes of textile waste with up to 300,000 tonnes ending up in landfill or incinerated*. 

According to WRAP clothing/textiles has the fourth largest environmental impact after housing, transport, and food.

We are looking for your ideas that help tackle this growing issue.

Value of grants available 

Between £500 to £2,500

We would welcome applications from the following types of organisations:

  • Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (under 250 employees)

  • Social enterprises

  • Charities

  • Not for profit organisations 

  • Community & voluntary groups 

Currently not open to: 

  • School and third level education organisations

  • Sports clubs, churches, and youth groups

  • Unconstituted groups

  • Large enterprises (over 250 employees)

What type of projects will the Tackling Textile – Skills & Innovation Fund? 

We are looking for ideas that support:

  1. Waste Prevention

  2. Reuse and Repair Models

  3. Reimagine 

Waste Prevention 

Materials and design innovation is critical to the future of a circular economy. By preventing waste at the design stage of product development, we can have consumption that is healthier and performs better for our people and the planet.

Reuse/Repair Models 

Reuse and repair are essential in the development of a more circular economy. Reuse of products and materials is more beneficial as it retains a product’s inherent value by keeping it in use for longer. This minimises waste, create jobs, has positive social impact, reduces consumption, and associated carbon impacts.


Climate change is real; we know the impact; we know we must act, and we know that we must make changes to our current model of ‘take-make-dispose.’  We are looking for new ways to tackle the problem of production, consumption, and disposal of textile waste with the aim of creating a more circular textile economy.

For more information and to apply please visit Tackling Textiles - Skills and Innovation Fund (Pilot Programme) (

Closing date for applications is Thursday 9th November 2023 at 5pm