Women and Girls Match Fund

Equality is essential for women and girls to dream freely, achieve proudly and live boldly. That’s why we’re working with amazing charities committed to serving the women and girls in our communities. The Women and Girls Match Fund is here to multiply generosity, tackle gender inequality and stop discrimination.

Eligibility criteria:

  1. Be a UK-registered charity with a Charity Commission number or tax-exempt status and an annual income of at least £25,000 (as per last filed accounts).

  2. Charities which are registered on BigGive.org (free to register).

  3. Charities seeking to raise either £2,500, £5,000 or £10,000 in public donations (to be doubled by the match funds). Charities are able to use the campaign to raise unrestricted funds.

  4. Charities working to to improve the lives of vulnerable, disadvantaged or underrepresented women and girls within the UK and internationally.

  5. Charities that are led by, for and with women and girls. To assess this, we will look at whether your governing documents specifically mentions women/and or girls, whether you have a majority female board, who your beneficiaries are and your web presence (if your organisation has one).

  6. We would encourage applications from charities that are led by Black and minoritised women and girls, LGBTQI women and girls, or Disabled women and girls. These applications will be prioritised in our assessment process.


Sign-up process:

  • Log in or sign up, head to Big Give Campaigns, and click on Apply now for  the Women and Girls Match Fund



  • 27 March: Applications open

  • 23 June: Applications close

  • 3 August: Offer deadline

  • 11- 18 Oct (midday): Campaign

For more information and to apply, please visit Women and Girls Match Fund – The Big Give