Partners for Social Care and Health Improvement Fund

The Hospital Saturday Fund  

The Hospital Saturday Fund is a registered charity whose aims are to provide assistance through its charitable funds for: registered health charities, hospices, and medical organisations who are in need of grants for medical projects, care, research or support of medical training within the United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland.

McCall Foundation 

The McCall Foundation was established by Mervyn McCall and Wilma McCall. In recent years the fund has focused on supporting projects addressing challenges in social care, as well as providing an annual bursary for engineering students through Queens University, Belfast.

Aim of fund  

This is a partnership fund between the Hospital Saturday Fund and the McCall Foundation. The aim of the fund is to support the development of new and innovative processes, policies, products or programmes that increase the quality, impact, efficiency and/or affordability of social care.

Amount of funding available

Grants of between £5,000 to £10,000 will be available 


We are particularly interested in innovative ideas that might address any of the following current healthcare challenges:

  • Social care provision

  • Poorly connected care pathways

  • Availability of a skilled workforce

  • Underfunding of health and social care

  • Poor access to services, particularly in rural areas

Eligibility criteria

  • Organisations must be registered as a charity with the Charity Commission for Northern Ireland

  • The project must only be of benefit to people living within Northern Ireland

  • Organisations must have access to a current account in the name of the applicant organisation

  • Organisations must be able to provide all relevant policies, including safeguarding and equality policies, unless they have provided these documents to the Foundation within the last twelve months  

What we can fund

  • Capital costs

  • Running costs, providing clearly linked to the development of the health innovation

  • Medical care

  • Research

  • Medical training

Application process