The Telecommunity Fund
/Priority will be given to applications from small groups, typically with an annual income of less than £200,000, as evidenced in most recent set of accounts
Projects must aim to directly support one of the following specific groups:
Young people
Older people
People with disabilities
The Fund will not support projects targeting all ages.
Priority will be given to projects that will benefit groups dealing with disadvantage (e.g. rural isolation, low income, social exclusion, reduced access to services), and projects that involve the beneficiaries in their development and delivery.
In the event of oversubscription, priority will be given to lower income organisations
Examples of types of projects that may be supported within Fund themes:
Community education and training opportunities
Communication and leadership skills
Local initiatives to improve resources and community facilities
Creativity and self-expression through drama, music or a range of arts activities
Inclusion and involvement of disadvantaged communities
Out of school projects for young people
The Foundation will not fund organisations or activities which promote causes that are contrary to our purposes. Causes and activities that are contrary to our purposes include, but may not be limited to, those outlined in our investment policy. We will not therefore fund organisations or activities which we determine are linked to the promotion of armaments, alcohol, human rights abuses, tobacco or pornography.
The fund will also not support organisations who advance religion, including those who have purposes within their governance to advance religion, or who seek financial support for any projects aimed at advancing a particular religion.
Telecommunity Fund Application Guidance Top tips
Pre application:
Read the guidance notes and ensure you are eligible to apply and your project meets the funding criteria
Talk to the Grants Team – to confirm eligibility and iron out any queries you may have
Think about the long term value of your project. The fund does not prioritise one off trips, or very short term projects. Ensure what you are applying for you would like to apply for is eligible
Have your supporting documentation ready to upload (in one file rather than separate pages, per document) as part of your application, before the final closing date
During application:
Check your budgets and ensure you can deliver on spend and project targets
Keep answers concise and accurate, there is no need to go above 300 – 500 words
Tell us about the project you are requesting funding for and clearly show the need, and link the identified need with the fund criteria
Complete all questions on the application form accurately, e.g. committee details
Submit the required documents as per the guidance notes, e.g. governing document
Post application:
Keep a record of your application
If you are unsuccessful, ask for feedback to help improve your chances of success for future projects
If successful, ensure that you spend the money as agreed in your letter of offer and keep any receipts that you may have, and evidence of the numbers attending, and evaluations for events. This will help you complete your end of grant form when your project is complete
Ensure you complete your end of grant monitoring form on time. If you are having any problems with your project, in particular spend, please contact the Grants Team as soon as you can to discuss
Take photographs and ask those who participated in your project for quotations. This will help show the real value and impact that your project has had
And finally, use the learning to think about how you might be able to develop the project further. Think about what other funds you might apply for, to further develop the project.
Talk to the Grants Team for advice!
Examples of previously funded projects:
A 6 week programme of music therapy for children with autism.
A creative arts and crafts programme for older people.
The provision of an afterschool homework club in conjunction with a youth club.
A 12 month drama therapy programme for adults with learning disabilities.
A six week youth programme to design and produce outside art in the playground.
This round of the Telecommunity Fund will close for applications at 1:00pm on Tuesday 30 January 2024 .
It is recommended that you read our Grant FAQs before starting your grant application. Should you have any further questions please contact the Grants Team on 028 9024 5927.
For more information, please visit The Telecommunity Fund - Community Foundation Northern Ireland (