Growth Events Fund

As part of the Borough Events Strategic Direction, Ards and North Down Borough Council is releasing a new multi-annual Growth Events Fund to support existing events.

The Growth Events Fund will open for applications on MONDAY 6th NOVEMBER 2023 at 12noon and close on MONDAY 27TH NOVEMBER 2023 at 12noon.

To apply to the Growth Events Fund, you must meet with the Events Team to discuss the eligibility of your event. If your event is eligible, you will be sent an application form to complete.

Please contact to organise a meeting and for further information.

Please note, all successful applications are subject to budget confirmation from the rates setting process.

Organisations can only make one application annually to Council events funding schemes.

Download Guidance Notes. Guidance Notes will be available in different formats upon request and will be available from Monday 6th November 2023.

Applicants should also refer to the Event Management Toolkit | Ards and North Down Borough Council for more information and guidance to assist you in organising your event. This includes the Event Management Guide, the Event Management Plan Template, the Risk Assessment Template and the Council Land Request Form.

Please visit Growth Events Fund | Ards and North Down Borough Council