The Live-Smart Community Environment Grant

The Causeway Coast and Glens Borough is known worldwide for its beautiful scenery and amazing visitor experience.  Council wants to preserve that for years and generations to come – this requires everyone making a conscious effort to live a more environmentally-friendly lifestyle.

The purpose of the LiveSmart Community Environmental Grant Programme is to provide small grants up to a maximum of £500 to local community and voluntary organisations.  The grants are to give financial assistance to allow groups and organisations to:-

  1. improve the general cleanliness in their local area, particularly in respect of litter

  2. promote recycling, reuse and waste reduction

  3. look at ways of reducing carbon footprint by taking simple, practical actions such as planting

Community groups and organisations are being encouraged and supported to keep their local area clean and tidy, promote recycling, reuse and waste reduction and have a positive impact on their carbon footprint.  There are a number of specific objectives which applicants must address.  Your application can address more than one objective but only one is necessary.

  • RecycleSmart: aims to reduce waste by educating, engaging and inspiring us all to buy less, reuse more, recycle and compost.

  • LitterSmart: aims to reduce litter through education, encouraging responsible disposal and supporting local people to  carry out litter lifts.

  • ClimateSmart:aims to reduce our carbon footprint by increasing our knowledge of sustainability and empowering change with simple, practical actions such as planting vegetables, fruit, native shrubs and pollinator plants

Applicants can request a grant up to a maximum of £500. You can only apply for one grant per year.  Applications for the LiveSmart Community Environmental Grant Programme should be submitted online at

This is a rolling programme and will remain open until all funds are expended.