Sea-Changers’ Marine Conservation Social Fund Reopens for 2023

Sea Changers is offering up to seven grants of between £3,000 and £5,000 for UK-based charities and other not-for-profit groups to deliver marine conservation projects that also deliver health and wellbeing outcomes for participants and disadvantaged communities.

Through the Marine Conservation Social Fund, a total of £23,000 is available in 2023 for:

  • Marine conservation education and engagement projects - such as campaigns or activities reaching out to and including those who do not access/engage with the sea and educating them about marine conservation issues and what they can do to help.

  • Citizen science and/or practical/direct action projects – particularly where they engage disadvantaged communities and where they can show increased community cohesion/engagement and personal/health benefits of volunteering.

Sea-Changers is particularly interested in grassroots projects that galvanise community action, projects that increase the number of people acting for marine conservation, projects that may be formed through partnerships between marine conservation organisations and social welfare organisations, and pilot programmes that might be continued, expanded, or replicated with additional funding in future years.

The deadline for applications is 22 December 2023. 

For more information and to apply, please visit Marine Conservation Social Fund 2023 | Sea-Changers