Community and Arts Grants open for applications

Lisburn & Castlereagh City Council is offering over £268k of funding to assist local community groups and artists in 2024/25.

Several grants are now open for applications - click on each of the following links for more information:
Community Support Grant

Community Festivals Fund
Community Development Bursary Award
Arts Grants and Bursaries

Deadlines are quite tight and grants must applied for online before 12 noon on Friday 15th December 2023.

Those interested in applying for a grant scheme are strongly encouraged to attend an information workshop.  The workshop dates and times are:

  • Tuesday 28 November in Bridge Community Centre, Lisburn, at 7pm

  • Thursday 30 November via zoom at 7pm

  • Wednesday 6 December in Moneyreagh Community Centre, at 7pm

Please note that an online workshop has been organised specifically for those who in the past were unable to attend information workshops.  It is strongly recommended that you attend the information workshop as this will support you in complete the form properly and help you with the monitoring forms and should you be successful. 

Please book your place at the information workshop by emailing Community Services