Coca-Cola Thank You Fund

Now in its 12th year, the Coca‑Cola Thank You Fund was set up in 2011 to mark the 125th anniversary of the company.

Over the years, the Coca‑Cola Thank You Fund has supported projects including community, social and education programmes aimed at youth, healthy and active lifestyles and environmental leadership. To date €1,255,00 has been given to 121 non-profit organisations across the island of Ireland.

In 2022, Coca‑Cola will donate a further €100,000 to youth-orientated non-profit groups committed to support young people to build sustainable communities.

For the purposes of the Fund, young people are defined as those aged between 16 and 25 years of age.

In 2022, the Fund will focus on one overall theme – Investing in Sustainable Communities - enabling everyone to live in a community where economic and environmental sustainability as well as social equity is at its heart. The Fund will help to nurture a generation of change champions who will help to shape, create and maintain sustainable communities for the benefit of all.


Within this theme, the Fund is seeking applications which fall under one or more of the following three categories:

Educational, Training, Resilience, entrepreneurship programmes for young people


Programmes that support Diversity & Inclusivity and social equity among young people


Programmes that encourage and support young people to care for and protect the environment

For more information and to apply, please visit Thank You Fund | Community and culture | Coca-Cola IE

Shine Bright Funding Application

The Shine Bright fund partners with regional charities and our partner Coram Chambers to administrate grants directly to the most vulnerable young people in the UK aged 16 years and under.

Grants are to provide relief, respite, and happiness at a time of anxiety and worry. Our grants are awarded to the regional charity partners to purchase educational and art materials; toys; books; and emotional support items for young people aged 16 and under who have been challenged by abuse; addiction; homelessness; or those who are child carers.

Please note, we are only able to fund charitable organisations with a turnover below £1.5m.


Please note we offer funding to registered charities only. Please be advised that this application process requires you to provide details on your project, charity, finances, and other details relevant to delivering the project. This form works on mobile devices but you may prefer to do this on a desktop so you can prepare and upload the requested information and files more easily.

To apply please visit Shine Bright Funding Application – the7stars foundation : the7stars foundation

Tesco Community Grants

Support for your community

Tesco Community Grants fund thousands of local community projects across the UK, helping to fight holiday hunger, tackle mental health, support young people, host community events and much more.

Who can apply?

Tesco Community Grants support local good causes that focus on helping children and families and tackling food poverty. Grants will be awarded to voluntary or community organisations (including registered charities/companies), schools, health bodies (e.g. Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs), NHS Hospital Trust, Foundation Trust), Parish/Town Councils, local authorities and social housing providers.

This list is not exhaustive and there will be many other types of organisations that will be funded.

Eligible projects

Examples of eligible projects with a focus on supporting children and families could be;

  • a local school needing food for a children’s breakfast club,

  • a voluntary organisation working with families to run holiday clubs,

  • a charity supporting young people with specialist advice to manage mental health,

  • a brownie or scout group needing new tents,

  • or a youth sports club needing new equipment,

  • a family advice centre wanting to recruit more volunteers,

  • or a local friends of a park group wanting to develop a new toddler area.

How to apply

Tesco Community Grants is administered by Groundwork and projects can apply online at: Tesco Community Grants If you are a Tesco customer or colleague, you can nominate a cause that you’d like to see supported and we’ll contact them to encourage them to apply, you can also do this online.

Awards are available up to £1,500.

There is no deadline for applications.

The 7 Stars Foundation

the7stars foundation, established by the7stars, supports the most challenged young people in the United Kingdom. Assisting forgotten young people aged 16 years and under, lacking opportunity, to achieve their potential.

Our funding looks to support those challenged by abuse; addiction; those who are young carers; and those without a safe place to call home. Our grant funding prioritises the areas of:

  • Abuse

  • Addiction

  • Child Carers

  • Homelessness

Application Submission Deadlines

  • January 31st for March funding review

  • April 30th for June funding review

  • July 31st for September funding review

  • October 31st for December funding review

Please note that we will notify you mid-month of any funding decisions applicable to you.

For more information and to apply please visit

Improving Lives Grant

The Improving Lives grant programme provides grants to charitable organisations that help people when other sources of support have failed, are inappropriate, or are simply not available.

We support established organisations delivering services directly to beneficiaries. We are looking for services which can demonstrate a track record of success, and evidence the effectiveness of the work.

This is our largest grants programme, through which the majority of our funds are distributed.

Grant size: £20k – £60k per year

Length: 1-3 years

Decision timescale: 6 Months

Deadlines: None

Priority areas:

We have six funding priorities that describe the work we support and how we want to bring about change for the most disadvantaged people in the greatest need.

  1. Help at a critical moment

  2. Positive choices

  3. Accommodation/housing support

  4. Employment and training

  5. Financial inclusion, rights and entitlements

  6. Support networks and family

For more information and to apply please visit

Hargreaves Foundation: Funding for Sport and Education

Charities and educational institutions can apply for grants to support those under the age of 18 years, and living with a mental health problem, physical disability or growing up in poverty through the mediums of sport and education.

Registered charities, charitable incorporated organisations, schools and further education colleges, as well as NHS Trusts can apply for grants. Although organisations from across the UK are eligible to apply, priority will be given to organisations based in and/or working in the South West of England.

Funding (there is no set minimum or maximum grant) will be awarded for activities that achieve one or more of the following objectives:

  • Enabling individuals to experience the mental and physical health benefits of participatory sport.

  • Ensuring participatory sport is accessible (accessibility includes affordability).

  • Providing sporting or educational activities that foster life skills.

  • Aiming to improve academic engagement and attainment.

  • Encouraging the development of skills and personal attributes to aid future employability.

The following types of activities are eligible:

  • One-off, time-limited (less than six months) projects or events.

  • Training for staff/volunteers.

  • Residential activities.

  • Events.

  • Purchase of specific items.

The majority of those benefiting from the project/using the items must be from the target group, which are those under the age of 18, and living with a mental health problem, physical disability, or growing up in poverty.

Applications are accepted at any time.

For more information and to apply please visit

National Lottery Fund's priority to keep money flowing to communities affected by Covid-19

The National Lottery Fund

The National Lottery Community Fund is the largest community funder in the UK. Each year we distribute millions of pounds of The National Lottery’s good causes money to community groups and charitable projects around the country.


While our main funding programmes remain open, our immediate priority is to keep money flowing to support people, communities and organisations affected by the COVID-19 crisis.

We’re keeping our commitments to existing grant holders and funding new projects supporting communities who are adapting to the increasing challenges of COVID-19.

For the next six months, we will be prioritising applications from:

  1. Organisations supporting people who are at high risk from COVID-19

  2. Organisations supporting communities most likely to face increased demand and challenges as a direct result of COVID-19

  3. Organisations with high potential to support communities with the direct and indirect impact of COVID-19

What funding is available?

National Lottery Awards for All Northern Ireland


  • Projects bringing local people together to make positive changes in their community.

  • No deadline, so groups can apply any time.

  • Applying is quick and simple.

  • Applications welcome from constituted voluntary or community organisations, schools, and statutory bodies.

  • If we funded you within the last two years, we may have to give priority to other groups that have not recently been funded through this programme.

  • This funding is for projects that will run for 12 months or less

Find out more

People and Communities


  • Project ideas should come from the community. Talk to the people you want to help and get them involved in shaping and planning the project.

  • Your project should make good use of the skills, knowledge, resources and energy of people within your community; making it stronger and ready for the future.

  • Understand the need for your project and how it fits with the work of other organisations. Build relationships and work together on shared goals.

  • Applications welcome from constituted voluntary or community organisations, and social enterprises.

  • This funding is for projects that will run for between 1 and 5 years.

Find out more

Empowering Young People


  • This funding is for projects that work with young people (8 – 25 years old), and which will run for between 1 and 5 years.

  • Projects will help young people to: have the skills they need for the future; have better relationships with their support networks and communities; and/or have improved health and wellbeing.

  • Young people must be involved in the planning and delivery of the project. They must be able to develop the skills to help themselves, and their support networks and communities need to be involved too.

  • Applications welcome from constituted voluntary or community organisations, and social enterprises.

Find out more