DAERA Rural Micro Capital Grant Scheme 2022 (DRMCG 2022)

This Scheme is funded under the Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs Tackling Rural Poverty and Social Isolation Programme.

To apply for the scheme you must register using the following link: https://daera.outsystemsenterprise.com/RMCGS/StartPage

After registration you will be able to complete and submit your application and have access to the grant Guidance notes.

Micro Capital grants of between £200 and £1,500 are available to rural community-led, voluntary organisations for projects tackling issues of local poverty and / or social isolation. The total project cost must not exceed £3,000.

Projects must clearly address an issue of rural poverty and / or social isolation and applicants must provide a minimum of 15% match funding. The Rural Micro Capital Grant Scheme 2022 has been designed to:

• Help rural community-led, voluntary groups to address local issues of access poverty, financial poverty and social isolation; and

• Improve the lives of rural communities, and in particular the wellbeing of isolated individuals.

Projects must focus on one of the following 4 themes:

• Modernisation (of premises / assets)

• Information Communication Technology (ICT)

• Health and Well-being

• Energy Efficiency / Environmental Improvement

Applications CLOSE 12noon Friday 30 Sept 2022.

In Mid Ulster District Council Area Contact COSTA or CWSAN for information or assistance.

Loraine in COSTA Tel: 028 855 56880 email info.costa@btconnect.com

Marguerite in CWSAN Tel: 028 877 38845 email: microgrants@cwsan.org

CWSAN & COSTA Pre-Application Workshops:

Tuesday 6th Sept 2022 @ 10:00am via Zoom https://us02web.zoom.us/j/7379331902

Thursday 8th Sept 2022 @ 7:00pm via Zoom https://us02web.zoom.us/j/7379331902

Wednesday 14th Sept 2022 @ 10:00am via Zoom https://us02web.zoom.us/j/7379331902

Thursday 15th Sept 2022 @ 7:00pm via Zoom https://us02web.zoom.us/j/7379331902

The Community Food Initiative is now open for applications

The Community Food Initiatives (CFI) is a healthy eating programme funded by safefood.  The programme runs over a three year cycle (2022-24) and its purpose is to provide people with the knowledge and skills to provide healthy food options for themselves and their families.  safefood, as a North / South body established under the Good Friday Agreement, provides CFI funding to organisations in Northern Ireland and in the Republic of Ireland.  The programme is managed by SECAD Partnership on behalf of safefood.

CFI at Home

safefood is inviting organisations who are not currently involved in the CFI to apply for funding to deliver an online project, in their own local area, that meets the criteria of the CFI at Home Programme.  The purpose of the CFI at Home Programme is to support families in their own homes to develop their cooking skills and healthy eating habits.  Projects could include all or some of the following elements:

·     Learning how to prepare & cook a recipe

·     Attending an online cookery session

·     Online support groups for sharing ideas and tips

·     Online interactive talks delivered by a dietitian or registered nutritionist

Examples of online projects that were delivered during 2020 and 2021 can be found at this link: CFI Booklet 2019-21

safefood Resources

The resources needed to plan and deliver a CFI at Home project can be found on the safefood website at www.safefood.net/cfi-hub and include:

•    101 Square Meals Recipe Book

•    Food Pyramid and The Eatwell Guide

•    safefood START campaign

•    Handwashing

•    Family Meal Planning

•    Food Safety

•    Healthy Lunchboxes

•    Kitchen Skills


Interested organisations can apply for funding up to a maximum of €2,000 or £1,720 to deliver a project in their local area.

Applicant Organisation Criteria

Organisations must:

•    Be community-led organisations with a legal status and appropriate governance structure

•    Be experienced in the management of public funds which support social inclusion initiatives

•    Currently employ and manage full time professionals with community development experience

•    Have experience of working with the target group identified

•    Be supporting other broader community initiatives through their work

•    Provide supports across communities irrespective of age, race or creed

Preparing an Application

Please contact SECAD Partnership for details on how to apply for the funding at:

Sinéad Conroy

SECAD Partnership CLG

T: 00 353 (0)87 353 3606

E: sconroy@secad.ie

Closing date for application

Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis up to and including Friday, 9th September 2022.  As funding is limited, interested organisations are advised to apply as soon as possible.  All activities must be completed by Sunday, 6th November.

Power NI's Brighter Community funding

The Brighter Communities programme energises innovative and emerging community groups, teams and projects with £1000 of funding awarded each month. Since 2018 we have contributing over £40,000 to our communities and we are still going!

Applications for the month are now open, and we welcome all communities to apply. Successful communities will receive £1000 of funding to help make their community shine a little brighter. All applications must comply with the Brighter Communities terms & conditions.

Please visit Brighter Communities | Community Funding | Power NI

Coca-Cola Thank You Fund

Now in its 12th year, the Coca‑Cola Thank You Fund was set up in 2011 to mark the 125th anniversary of the company.

Over the years, the Coca‑Cola Thank You Fund has supported projects including community, social and education programmes aimed at youth, healthy and active lifestyles and environmental leadership. To date €1,255,00 has been given to 121 non-profit organisations across the island of Ireland.

In 2022, Coca‑Cola will donate a further €100,000 to youth-orientated non-profit groups committed to support young people to build sustainable communities.

For the purposes of the Fund, young people are defined as those aged between 16 and 25 years of age.

In 2022, the Fund will focus on one overall theme – Investing in Sustainable Communities - enabling everyone to live in a community where economic and environmental sustainability as well as social equity is at its heart. The Fund will help to nurture a generation of change champions who will help to shape, create and maintain sustainable communities for the benefit of all.


Within this theme, the Fund is seeking applications which fall under one or more of the following three categories:

Educational, Training, Resilience, entrepreneurship programmes for young people


Programmes that support Diversity & Inclusivity and social equity among young people


Programmes that encourage and support young people to care for and protect the environment

For more information and to apply, please visit Thank You Fund | Community and culture | Coca-Cola IE

ASDA Foundation's Feeding Communities Grant

Feeding Communities Grant has been designed to help provide meals to anyone in need in the lead up to Christmas. With more local and national lockdowns in place and changes anticipated to the coming weeks, supporting those with food provision is needed more than ever. Communities are struggling, Charites are feeling the pressure, Asda Foundation is providing support.

Meals can be provided for individuals, families, meals at children’s healthy holiday clubs. This guide is to assist and support you through the application process. The Community Champion in your local store is also able to support you in completing your application.

Please do not go into store to ensure the safety of our customers and colleagues during this ,me. Please call, email or zoom Community Champions for support.

Each year, Asda Foundation support local grass roots organisations to transform communities and improve the lives of people living within the Asda community. We welcome applications from groups which:

• Benefits their local community

• Are local to an Asda store

• Unites communities with activities and support

• Ensures everyone has an equal opportunity to become involved

Each store has a Community Champion, their role is to support projects within the community and support bringing people together. They manage all applications for Asda Foundation grants.

Asda Foundation do not accept applications sent directly from community groups. Please use the store locator link on the Asda Foundation website www.asdafoundation.org to get in touch with your local store, and speak to your Community Champion about how we might be able to support you.

Feeding Communities Grant

• Maximum £1,000 per grant.

• Per meal maximum cost £4.00 (can be lower than this)

• We will not contribute towards meals which cost more than £4.

• No quotes needed

• All requests must include a bank statement as proof of payee name

• We will fund groups who have already received funding from Asda Foundation in 2020

• All groups must be not for profit, we do not fund groups who deliver a service to make a profit.

For more information please visit https://www.asdafoundation.org/how-to-apply

The Prince’s Countryside Fund is now open

The Prince’s Countryside Fund has grants of up to £10,000 available for projects from across the UK which are working to create resilient rural communities. 

Supported by players of People’s Postcode Lottery locally-focused, legally-constituted not-for-profit organisations can apply for one year of grant funding from the Fund. Projects must be completed by 31st March 2022.

Projects from all across the UK are invited to apply for this funding.

You should apply for as much as you need to complete your project, to a maximum of £10,000. We anticipate an average grant would be in the region of £8,000.

The theme is Rural Community Resilience and we will be looking for applications that will build on some of the amazing projects that came about as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic this year, and the effect that this had on rural communities. We will be looking for projects which protect or boost community assets and enterprises, or otherwise strengthen the sense of community.

Rural Community Resilience means different things to different communities, but the concept we are looking for is a project which will allow the community to survive and thrive, especially when facing a situation which affects everyday rural life.

For more information and to apply, please visit https://www.princescountrysidefund.org.uk/grant-giving-programme/grant-programme

The Community Food Initiatives Remote Healthy Eating Projects

The Community Food Initiatives (CFI) is a healthy eating programme funded by safefood

The programme runs over a three-year cycle and its purpose is to provide people with the knowledge and skills to provide healthy food options for themselves and their families.  safefood, as a North / South body established under the Good Friday Agreement, provides CFI funding to 5 organisations in Northern Ireland and 9 organisations in the Republic of Ireland.  The programme is managed by SECAD Partnership on behalf of safefood.

safefood is inviting organisations who are not CFI Leaders to apply for funding to deliver a project, in their own local area, that meets the criteria of the CFI at Home Programme.  The purpose of the CFI at Home Programme is to support families with children up to the age of 12 years in their own homes to develop their cooking skills and healthy eating habits.  Projects could include all or some of the following elements:

  • Learning how to prepare & cook a recipe

  • Attending an online cookery session

  • Online support groups for sharing ideas and tips

  • Online interactive talks delivered by a dietitian or registered nutritionist

Interested organisations can apply for funding up to a maximum of €1,500 or £1,300 to deliver a project in their local area.

Applicant Organisation Criteria
Organisations must:

  • Be community-led organisations with legal status and appropriate governance structure

  • Be experienced in the management of public funds which support social inclusion initiatives

  • Currently employ and manage full-time professionals with community development experience

  • Have experience of working with the target group identified

  • Be supporting other broader community initiatives through their work

  • Provide supports across communities irrespective of age, race or creed

If you wish to make an application, please email sconroy@secad.ie and we will send you out the application template and supporting information. 

While there is no closing date, funding is limited so interested organisations are advised to apply as soon as possible.


Digital funding for small charities up to £2500

The Fat Beehive Foundation is an independent UK registered charity that provides small grants for websites and digital products to other small UK registered charities.

Priorities for support

The Foundation can only support a limited amount of projects, based on the funding available for distribution in any given year. The funding priorities over the next year are:

  • Environmental protection or climate change mitigation

  • Human rights

  • International development

  • Equality and Diversity

  • Social justice / Refugees / Housing

  • Education

  • Art & culture

  • Health and wellbeing

  • Prisoner rehabilitation

What they don’t fund

The funding programmes are very specific. They aren’t a general IT funder and hence don’t fund general software or hardware procurement projects.

They are keen for funding to have a genuine impact, so they don’t fund organisations without the internal resources to make the project a success.

Although they recognise the critical importance of funding core costs or staff time, they are unable to do this. The Foundation focus purely on hard-to-fund digital expenditure that other funders will often not cover.

The bulk of the funding is provided by Fat Beehive Ltd, and to avoid any conflicts of interest the Fat Beehive Foundation they will not provide grants to charities that already use or would like to use Fat Beehive Ltd’s services. 

The Foundation do not fund organisations set up to promote religion.

For more information please visit https://www.fatbeehivefoundation.org.uk/

ASDA Foundation: Covid-19 Grant

Two new grant streams in response to Covid-19

  • Hygiene grants are focused on personal hygiene dignity

  • Healthy holiday grants aim to support groups that typically would be holding summer holiday activities to ensure children are provided with a hot meal.

Small grants of up to £500 are available.

For more information and to apply please visit https://www.asdafoundation.org/how-to-apply