The Community Food Initiatives Remote Healthy Eating Projects
/The Community Food Initiatives (CFI) is a healthy eating programme funded by safefood.
The programme runs over a three-year cycle and its purpose is to provide people with the knowledge and skills to provide healthy food options for themselves and their families. safefood, as a North / South body established under the Good Friday Agreement, provides CFI funding to 5 organisations in Northern Ireland and 9 organisations in the Republic of Ireland. The programme is managed by SECAD Partnership on behalf of safefood.
safefood is inviting organisations who are not CFI Leaders to apply for funding to deliver a project, in their own local area, that meets the criteria of the CFI at Home Programme. The purpose of the CFI at Home Programme is to support families with children up to the age of 12 years in their own homes to develop their cooking skills and healthy eating habits. Projects could include all or some of the following elements:
Learning how to prepare & cook a recipe
Attending an online cookery session
Online support groups for sharing ideas and tips
Online interactive talks delivered by a dietitian or registered nutritionist
Interested organisations can apply for funding up to a maximum of €1,500 or £1,300 to deliver a project in their local area.
Applicant Organisation Criteria
Organisations must:
Be community-led organisations with legal status and appropriate governance structure
Be experienced in the management of public funds which support social inclusion initiatives
Currently employ and manage full-time professionals with community development experience
Have experience of working with the target group identified
Be supporting other broader community initiatives through their work
Provide supports across communities irrespective of age, race or creed
If you wish to make an application, please email and we will send you out the application template and supporting information.
While there is no closing date, funding is limited so interested organisations are advised to apply as soon as possible.