Trusthouse Charitable Foundation Grants

We are a grant making foundation giving grants to small and medium sized local organisations with a demonstrable track record of success, working to address local issues in communities of extreme urban deprivation and deprived rural districts.

Small Grants

  • Single year grants between £2,000 and £10,000 for core costs, salaries, running and project costs

  • Projects must have a focus on Community Support

Major Grants

  • Single year grants between £10,000 and £100,000 for core costs, salaries, running and project costs or

  • Multi-year grants for a maximum of 3 years, not to exceed £100,000 in total over this period, for core costs, salaries, running or project costs

  • Organisations should have a focus on Family Support

How to Apply

We strongly advise you to read our Funding Guidelines on our website before proceeding to complete the eligibility quiz. The quiz will tell you whether your organisation is eligible to apply for a grant. There is also information on the Help button attached to each question on the on-line application form.

This is a rolling programme with no set deadlines.

Garfield Weston Foundation Accepting Applications Again

After closing its capital funding streams last year to focus on revenue grants during the Covid-19 crisis, Garfield Weston Foundation is now open to applications across all its grants programmes: capital, core costs and projects.

Regular grants of up to £100,000 can be used for:

  • Capital costs - for tangible things, such as a building project, repairs, equipment etc.

  • Revenue/unrestricted core costs - towards the general running costs of the organisation. The grants are typically unrestricted and can be used towards costs such as general salaries (but not a specific position or job), rent, programme costs etc.

  • Project costs - for a very specific project or activity and would include all the costs involved in delivering the project, including staff costs and a reasonable percentage of overheads if relevant.

Match funding is required. The Foundation recommends that applicants have around half of their funding identified before applying. A grant is unlikely to be for more than around 10% of the total costs of the budget.

There are no deadlines. Applications for grants of up to £100,000 can be made at any time and are reviewed on an ongoing basis.

For more information please visit

Thomas Wall Trust Charities Grant Programme

The charities grant programme aims to support people with an emphasis on building confidence, knowledge and skills, and therefore increasing prospects of employment.

We offer grants up to £5,000 towards specific projects or core activities that support literacy, numeracy, digital and additional skills for learning that are likely to assist employment prospects. The Trust recognises that the future of the labour market will become increasingly competitive, with employers placing greater emphasis on transferable skills.

We will fund:

  • A UK charity that has been registered with the Charity Commission for at least 3 years

  • A project or running costs for a charity that equips people (aged 11 and over) with the skills ready for employment

  • Annual repeat funding for up to 3 years – subject to satisfactory annual reviews of progress and impact

  • The charity’s annual turnover does not exceed £500,000

We prioritise

  • Match funded projects

  • Charities that can provide compelling evidence of impact

  • Charities working with collaborative networks

  • Self-sustainable projects, with a view to becoming less reliant on grants in the future

For more information and to apply, visit

NatWest Social and Community Capital to launch £1m Coronavirus Response Fund

Opening for applications at 9 am on Monday 22nd June, our friends at NatWest Social and Community Capital are launching a new £1 million fund offering grants of between £5,000 and £50,000 to organisations across the UK that employ people from vulnerable or disadvantaged groups.

These grants are unrestricted and can be used for any purpose, including core costs. Organisations must have an annual turnover between £50,000 and £1 million, must have been generating at least 30% of revenue from trading income before the crisis and must have suffered a loss in trading income due to lockdown restrictions. Full eligibility criteria are outlined below.

Applications will stay open for at least one week. It is hoped that applications will remain open for longer but may need to close after a week depending on how many applications they receive and if they reach their capacity, so applicants are encouraged to submit the application as soon as possible.

Full information on the grants, including the application form and how to apply, will be available here from Monday 22nd June.

Eligibility criteria:

  • Organisations must employ people from vulnerable or disadvantaged groups

  • Organisations must generate at least 30% of revenue from trading income

  • Organisations must have had a pre-coronavirus annual turnover of between £50,000 to £1 million

  • The organisation must have suffered a loss of trading income since March 2020, caused by lockdown restrictions

  • The organisation must have been founded and trading prior to 1st January 2019

  • The organisation must have been financially sustainable (or on a path to financial stability) up to March 2020

  • The organisation must be constituted, operating and delivering impact in England, Scotland, Wales, and/or Northern Ireland

  • The organisation must have one of the following legal structures: Community Interest Company (CIC), Company Limited by Guarantee, Community Benefit Society, Co-operative Society, Unincorporated association, Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO), Charitable Trusts, Registered Charity

The following will need to be provided in the application form:

  • Basic information about the organisation, contact details, staff and volunteer numbers, year and date founded, financial information for the last 3 years and forecasts for the next 2 years

  • A description of the organisation’s mission, key activities and impact over the last year

  • Details about the grant request including what it will be used for, why it’s needed and what impact would be achieved

For more information and to apply please visit