Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council: Policing & Community Safety Grants Programme

The Causeway Coast and Glens Policing and Community Safety Partnership (PCSP) Grants Programme has been designed to support, promote and develop community safety initiatives throughout the council area.  Causeway Coast and Glens Borough PCSP will fund up to a maximum of £5,000 for eligible projects. 

Scheme details

This is a rolling Fund and will remain open throughout the year. There will be regular assessment points, each with a deadline by which applications must be submitted in order to be considered for assessment in that period.

Purpose of Small Grant Programme

The PCSP small grants programme has been developed to provide organisations with up to a £999 grant to organise a project or event that will help prevent, reduce, address crime and help people feel safer in their own communities. 

Grant Amounts

Grants of up to £999 (Nine Hundred and Ninety Nine pounds) are available towards eligible costs and groups may be limited to one successful PCSP grant application per year depending upon the level of demand. Please Note: Successful applicants will be able to claim 100% up front before the start of the project and if requested by the Council Funding Unit, will need to provide proof of the expenditure if selected for audit. 

Early Intervention: Initiatives designed to reduce the risk of individuals, (especially young people aged up to 17 years) from the Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council area from coming into contact with the criminal justice system.

Alcohol, Drug & Substance Abuse: Working to achieve a reduction in alcohol, drug and substance abuse including prescription medication.

Anti-Social Behaviour: This encompasses a range of behaviours including noise, vandalism, graffiti, anti-social driving, or causing annoyance to people not in the same household.

Societal Abuse: Working to achieve a reduction of levels of physical, mental, financial and cyber abuse. Also includes working to increasing the levels of reporting of the abuse to PSNI and other support agencies.

Reducing opportunities for crime: Working to achieve a reduction in the opportunities to commit crime in rural and urban communities.

Fear of crime: Working to reduce the fear of crime in rural and urban communities and increase community confidence in policing.

Who Can Apply?

Organisations must be from within or operating within the Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council area. For the purposes of this programme, only formally constituted organisations which are not-for-profit that are open, accountable and representative of the geographical area which they service and which promote and enhance Community Safety can apply. Such as:

  • Community and Voluntary organisations; This includes School, PTA’s, Churches, youth clubs, Social Enterprises etc.

If you are unsure if you group can apply please contact one of the PCSP staff team.

For more information and to apply, please visit Grant Manager (

The Carson Awards

The Carson Awards are an exciting opportunity for young people to express themselves creatively under the theme ‘What Integrated Education Means to Me’.

The Carson Awards were started by Frank and Tony Carson in 2008 and are delivered through the Integrated Education Fund (IEF). There are two categories, the Carson Bursaries which fund arts related projects by post-primary pupils, and the Carson Prize, which is open to all pupils at integrated schools.

Open to Year 11, 12, 13 and 14 students at integrated colleges and, if applicable, collaborative partners. Bursaries provide resources to carry out and complete a creative project under the theme ‘What Integrated Education Means to Me’. Bursaries are awarded up to £1,000.

Closing date for applications is 2nd December 2022. For more information and to apply, please visit Carson Awards - IEF: Integrated Education Fund

Core Funding Scheme

About the Core Funding Scheme

The Core Funding Scheme provides support for organisations which are considered of strategic importance in promoting community relations work across Northern Ireland.

The scheme contributes towards salary and organisational running costs.

Be safe, be innovative, be brave

The Community Relations Council (CRC) appreciates that the organisations we support through all of our grant schemes have been facing many new challenges as a result of the current Covid-19 pandemic. Although many of you have come up with amazing ways of staying connected, it has become clear over the past months that the capacity of some organisations to deliver work programmes have been adversely affected by the necessary social restrictions in place to counter the spread of Covid-19. Given the most up-to-date information we anticipate the impact of the pandemic will continue over the coming months.

In light of the current, and, likely on-going challenges, the CRC would encourage grant applicants to explore innovative approaches that allow for delivery of good relations activities whilst taking account of the most up to date directives from government. The CRC fully understands that this is a time for innovation in the pursuit of new peace building initiatives and we want to support you to be at the forefront of these initiatives.

During this time it is vital that organisations clearly and explicitly incorporate the impact of Covid-19 restrictions into their grant applications. It will be important that applicants demonstrate in all relevant parts of their core funding application that they have considered the implications of the pandemic in drawing up safety measures/contingency plans for proposed project plans and budget proposals. Adherence to government guidance on Covid-19 is a condition of all grant awards. To allow you to experiment with approaches that may be new and in recognition of the uncertainty of these extraordinary times, the CRC is committed to being as flexible as is possible with organisations in relation to the delivery of planned activities. We will consider all reasonable and timely requests for alternative methods of project delivery and the related readjustments to approved budget lines. The Community Relations Council remains, as ever, committed to supporting organisations to deliver their projects in a timely and safe manner so be innovative and brave – our community needs your support.

For more information and to apply, please visit Core Funding Scheme Open | Community Relations Council (

The Core Funding Scheme will close on Wednesday 16 November 2022 at 4PM.

The Ann McGeeney Fund

The fund is open to organisations with charitable purposes only.

Funding will be available to local community organisations that are planned and run for the benefit of refugees and asylum seeker communities in Northern Ireland to support integration into society.

The Fund welcomes applications from community and voluntary groups that address the following areas:

  • Integration of ethnic minorities into communities with special emphasis on women within these communities

  • Initiatives can include providing support to host communities in building social connections with arriving refugee families and refugees already residing within the areas above.

  • And/or providing activities to arriving families and refugees already residing within the areas above, helping them build social bridges with the host community.

The fund will prioritise refugees and asylum seekers from Syria and/or Ukraine

Community organisations involved

It is envisaged the organisations will be ‘host community’ organisations i.e. predominantly run or attended by long term UK residents. It is also possible for organisations to be ‘refugee community’ organisations with an aim to include ‘host communities’ in their activities.

The funding will help those organisations support long-term integration, develop opportunities to contribute to community by reducing barriers and creating social connections.

What we will fund

Funded activities will:

  • Be open to, and of interest to, reunited refugee families and refugees residing in Northern Ireland

  • Community activities such as those listed below will be funded (for guidance only):

    • Joint activity workshops leading to a co-designed event

    • Family cooking sessions

    • Parent and child groups

    • Sports (including women only)

    • Arts and performing arts

    • Music

    • Hobby classes

    • Women’s wellbeing groups.

Grants will be available ranging from £1,000 to £2,000 for projects taking place within a 12 month period

This round of funding will close at 1pm on Monday 17 October 2022.

For more information and to apply, please visit The Ann McGeeney Fund - Community Foundation Northern Ireland (

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Fund

Fund Aims

  • The fund will provide support to community and voluntary organisations who wish to explore and or enhance diversity, equity and inclusion within the group and its community.

  • Supporting organisations to think about how best Equity, Diversity and Inclusion can be addressed enabling everyone in the community to realise their potential.

Background to the Fund

  • Our communities are becoming more diverse. We need to reflect this diversity at all levels.

  • As our society changes, our organisations also must change.

  • This Fund is supported by Comic Relief to support groups to begin these conversations and reflections, so that they can strive to be inclusive to all.

For the purposes of the fund the Foundation use the following definitions:


Involving people from a range of different social and ethnic backgrounds and of different genders, sexual orientations, etc.


Fairness or justice in the way we treat people.


Providing equal access to opportunities and resources for people who might otherwise be excluded or marginalized.

Size of Grant:

We will offer grants ranging from £500 to £1,000

We want to prioritise projects that:

  • Assist in making organsiations management structures, policies, decision making, activities and programmes reflective of the diversity we have in our society.

  • Assisting organisations to Identify the barriers and provide solutions to improve diversity, equity and inclusion within their organisation

  • Demonstrate a commitment to implementing the solutions, reflecting greater diversity, equity and inclusion in their organisation


Applicant Must:

  • Be constituted and based in Northern Ireland

  • Have an active committee and current bank account

  • Have financial records and present accounts to your AGM

  • Have at least two cheque signatories who are unrelated

  • Have an income of £250k or less

What we will fund:

Whilst the Foundation prefers to receive applications seeking support based on lived experience, examples of what could be funded include:

  • Diversity Equity and Inclusion Training for management committees and volunteers

  • Review of policies and procedures to identify levels of diversity and develop an action plan to update these policies and procedures Developing a group/organisation Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Action Plan

  • Explore how diverse communities can be involved in the design and delivery of programmes and activities

  • Community analysis to identify how diverse community is and what could be delivered to support those diverse communities

  • Explore a Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Community Leadership Programme

There is no closing date for applications. For more information and to apply, please visit Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Fund - Community Foundation Northern Ireland (