Ards and North Down - In Bloom Funding
/Grants are available to constituted voluntary and community groups in Ards and North Down to support floral displays across towns, villages and the city within the borough.
The funding aims to support local groups in purchasing bedding plants, shrubs and trees to enhance the appearance of the city, towns and villages in the borough.
Applications are invited from community groups (eg schools, community associations, village groups etc) within the Ards and North Down Borough.
To be eligible, groups must demonstrate how they meet the following criteria:
Meet the core objectives of Ards and North Down in Bloom:
to increase environmental responsibility
to strive for horticultural excellence in public, business and residential areas
to encourage community participation
to support endeavours to achieve regional and national awards such as Ulster in Bloom
Provide a vision as to how the funding will enhance the particular areas and how this will be sustained in subsequent years.
Evidence of approval from relevant land owner where works are to be carried out.
Where appropriate insurance liability cover is in place, copy of certificate and schedule to be submitted.
How the works are to be carried out, and by whom.
Detailed breakdown of how funding will be utilised, and receipts submitted accordingly.
The Council will not fund:
Projects, events, activities undertaken, or equipment purchased outside the specified award period.
Projects, events, and activities where the primary benefit is outside the Borough.
Events, projects or activities which conflict with any Council run project, event or activity.
Organisations not legally established in the UK.
Projects, events, activities not compliant with the Council’s aims and objectives.
The funding can be used to purchase planters, bedding plants, shrubs and trees.