The Happiness Fund – putting the fun into funding

The Happiness Fund is avaiable to enable and support projects which improve mental health, wellbeing, inclusion, learning and skills development in local communities. Ultimately, it creates happier people and neighbourhoods.

Objectives and outcomes

To build happy, strong, resilient communities by supporting grassroots, not-for-profit projects that enable sustainable outcomes in:

  • Mental health Wellbeing & happiness

  • Inclusion

  • Learning and skills development

The fund is intended to help new groups and activities, to be successful. Applicants will need to indicate how the activity/group can become self-sustaining or able to attract funding from other sources in the longer term. 

The fund will award £5,000 twice a year - allowing up to two different projects/ charities or CIC’s per year to apply.  You cannot re-apply if you have won funding from the Happiness fund in the last 24 months

For more information please visit The Happiness Fund | No Category (