Sport & Well-being Grant Programme

The Sport and Wellbeing Grant Programme is available for local sporting and community organisations aimed at promoting positive mental health through physical and mental wellbeing activities. . If required, you can discuss your application with one of Council’s Sports Development Officers before submitting your application:

Sports Development Team –

Funding Unit – 

This will be a rolling fund and will remain open throughout the year until the budget is expended.  Council Officers will assess and score the applications at various times throughout the year. Contact the Sports Development Team for advice on when the next assessments will take place.  This will help you plan your project to ensure that grant-aid is awarded in time, should you be successful 

Applicants applying for funding from the Sport and Wellbeing Grant Programme will have to demonstrate how their organisation contributes to the engagement and development of mental wellbeing within a sports club or community setting or the positive impact the grant can have for an individual which links to Council Strategy (2021-25) ‘Healthy and Engaged Communities’ - Citizens and communities are supported to develop improved approaches to health and wellbeing and lifestyle choices. 

Applicants to the grant programme must demonstrate how the grant will be used to contribute towards the Causeway Coast and Glens Community Plan under the following outcomes:

Outcome 1: All people of the Causeway Coast and Glens benefit from improved physical health and mental wellbeing

This means that:- 1.1 The people of the Causeway Coast and Glens will have increased opportunities to participate in sustained physical activity. Page 4 of 13 1.2 The people of the Causeway Coast and Glens will have increased opportunities to participate in social and creative activity.

Outcome 3: All people of the Causeway Coast and Glens can live independently as far as possible and access support services when they need it

This means that:- 3.1 The people of Causeway Coast and Glens will be supported in making healthy lifestyle choices which protect and enhance their physical and mental health and wellbeing.

How to Apply

For detailed guidance notes and application form please apply here:-