Small Grants to Support Unpopular Causes, Particularly in Areas of Deprivation

Registered charities and other organisations which are not charities, but which seek funding for charitable work can apply for grants of up to £3,000, though most grants will be for less than £1,000.

The funding is for charitable causes that are unpopular or do not receive widespread attention within the UK, with particular focus on deprived areas. This could be due to negative focus within the media; due to difficulty in accessing statutory, voluntary and institutional funding; due to the cause being seen as politically controversial; or because the issue is not typically seen as a charitable cause.

Examples include, but are not limited to:

  • Asylum seekers and refugees

  • Migrant communities

  • Offenders and ex-offenders

  • People experiencing violence or abuse

  • Sex workers

  • Trafficking and modern slavery

  • Dependency or Addiction

  • LGBT+

  • Sexual and reproductive health.

The funding can be used for overheads, core costs, or administrative costs where they improve the sustainability and long-term success of an organisation.

This funder is looking to support organisations to undertake work and projects which are sustainable beyond the period of funding.

To be eligible, applicants must have an average annual income of less than £300,000, a bank account in their name, and a safeguarding policy if working with children or vulnerable adults.

Applications are encouraged from organisations that work together and can demonstrate how their work improves collaboration across the sector.

The next deadline for application is 1 August 2024 for awards in late summer.

For more information, visit Seven Friends Foundation | Registered Charity