UK Schools with STEM Partners Can Apply Now for Grants to Support Autumn Projects

The Royal Society’s annual Partnership Grant scheme is open for 2024 applications.

Grants of up to £3,000 are available for partnership projects between a school partner from the UK and a STEM partner from academia or industry for a specific investigative project that increases the appeal of science and engineering to children aged 5 to 18 years across the UK. (STEM is the acronym for Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths.)

The funding, which is predominantly to be used to buy equipment, is for projects that meet the following criteria:

  • Students involved in the project must be between 5 and 18. Reception years are eligible if the project is run in conjunction with other age groups. Sixth form and further education colleges are also eligible.

  • The title of the project must be a scientific question that the students are attempting to answer by completing their research.

  • The project must be specific to the school and cannot be part of a third-party scheme or competition.

  • There must be at least one term between the date the application is submitted and the project starting to allow time for judging and administration to transfer funds.

  • The project must run for a minimum of one term. Please note the longer the project lasts, the stronger the application will be.

To help lead teachers and STEM partners with the application, free online introduction sessions and drop-in applicant support sessions are being run. Full details can be found on the Royal Society website.

Applications will be accepted throughout the year with three deadlines.

The first deadline is the end of April with notification in July for term projects to start from October 2024.

For more information and to apply, please visit Partnership Grants | Royal Society