Boots Charitable Trust Extends Grants Programme to Support Local Communities across the UK

Boots Charitable Trust is an independent registered charity wholly funded by Boots UK Limited. The Trust recently expanded its grants programme from its home base of Nottinghamshire to across the UK.

Registered charities working in the areas of health, lifelong learning, community development and social care can apply four times a year for grants of between £100 and £10,000. Grants of up to £5,000 are available for smaller voluntary organisations whose income and expenditure is less than £5,000 per year and who are not yet required to register with the Charity Commission.

To be eligible, projects must meet at least one of Trust's four funding priorities:

  • Health: Community healthcare, such as homecare or support for sufferers of medical conditions, and health education and prevention

  • Lifelong learning: Local literacy and numeracy projects

  • Community development: For example, supporting councils in providing voluntary services

  • Social care: Personal, social or community activities or schemes.

Additionally, a particular focus within each of these priorities is how the projects demonstrate a commitment to improving diversity, equality and inclusion within the community.

There is particular interest in projects with the capacity to deliver significant impact and which reach the greatest number of people.

The funding can be used for most expenditure items, including salary and running costs. Large building or construction projects will not be funded, although minor structural improvements and refurbishments would be considered.

There are four application windows per year and applications will only be accepted during the quarterly windows.

Applications will next be accepted from 1 to 28 February 2024.

For more information and to apply please visit Boots UK - Boots Charitable Trust (