EA Foundation Offers Funding to Improve Lives of Disadvantaged Communities

The EA Foundation was established in 2021 by the co-founders of Energy Aspects, a data & intelligence company headquartered in the UK. The EA Foundation has been set up to improve the lives of disadvantaged communities around the world. To date, the EA Foundation has received over £5 million of donations, which it will distribute over the coming years.

The funding is intended for charitable projects which align to at least one of the following four funding priorities:

  • Provide educational opportunities, particularly for disadvantaged individuals and communities.

  • Improve access to basic services and infrastructure to disadvantaged communities, including but not limited to healthcare, clean water and electricity.

  • Support people in reduced circumstances, without sufficient means, or those who are experiencing times of need thereby providing important support for the relief of poverty or other forms of disadvantage such as disability.

  • Address environmental challenges and promote sustainable development, both and through the pursuit of the other key areas of focus.

There is no specified upper or lower grant limits. However, based on the Foundation’s current giving trends to date, the grants approved have averaged between £20,000 - £50,000 for an average duration of 12-24 months. Applicants are encouraged to operate a full cost recovery mode by including all relevant costs of their project in the budget, including proportionate costs of overheads related to the effective delivery of the project.

UK-based charitable entities can apply. Applications will be considered from a diverse range of organisations irrespective of turnover.

The deadline for applications is 6 November 2023 (12 noon BST).

For more information please visit Home (ea-foundation.org.uk)