BC & P Fund

The BC & P Fund exists to support small, locally based grassroots community projects in the Local Authority areas of Mid and East Antrim, and Antrim and Newtownabbey.


  • Priority will be given to applications from small groups, typically with an annual income of less than £200,000, as evidenced in the most recent set of accounts.

  • Projects must aim to directly support one of the following specific groups:

    • Young people

    • Older people

    • People with disabilities

  • The Fund will not support projects targeting all ages.

  • Priority will be given to projects that are:

    • addressing health and wellbeing issues

    • targeting those facing disadvantage (e.g. rural isolation, low income, social exclusion, reduced access to services

    • involving the beneficiaries in their development and delivery

Examples of types of projects that may be supported within Fund themes:

  • Community education and training opportunities

  • Communication and leadership skills

  • Local initiatives to improve resources and community facilities

  • Creativity and self-expression through drama, music or a range of arts.

  • Inclusion and involvement of disadvantaged communities

  • Out of school projects for young people

Who can apply:

  • Constituted grass roots community and voluntary groups

  • Have a committee of at least three unrelated Trustees/Directors (if there are more than three related, the majority must be unrelated individuals with no financial interest in the organisation.)

Grants available:

The grants are split into two elements:

  • Small scale grants that are limited to £3,000 – £4,000

  • Larger scale grants that are limited to £10,000 (only two of these grants will be available per round)

Closing date for applications is 3rd October 2022 and more information can be found here BC & P Fund - Community Foundation Northern Ireland (communityfoundationni.org)