Vacant to Vibrant Capital Grant Scheme

Grants are available for property owners, businesses, social enterprises, and voluntary and cultural groups to support the renovation and repurposing of vacant spaces across the Belfast city centre.

This fund aims to incentivise both property owners and potential occupiers to bring vacant Belfast city centre spaces back into use, supporting revitalisation, the creation of a vibrant and higher quality streetscape, and the creation of new employment opportunities.

Grants of between £2,000 and £25,000 are available and applicants are expected to contribute a minimum of 10% match funding.

Property owners, businesses, social enterprises, and cultural and voluntary organisations wishing to renovate or repurpose a vacant space can apply. 

Constituted, not-for-profit organisations must supply a copy of a constitution. 

Businesses must provide evidence of tenure and three months of bank statements relating to the business. 

Applicants must provide quotes for all capital works and purchases in line with the Council’s procurement thresholds. 

All applicants must meet the following criteria: 

  • The property must be a vacant premise or vacant space within a premise that is located within the Belfast city centre boundary.

  • Businesses/organisations must be an existing registered business/organisation or social enterprise that has been actively operating for at least three months as of the date of the application submission.

  • The property must not have been in occupation for 12 months at the time of application (properties that have been occupied by temporary meanwhile use/pop-ups are acceptable).

Properties at ground floor vacancies will be given priority. Support for upper floor improvements may be considered if the occupier’s ground floor activities extend into upper floor uses, where they deliver a meaningful and measurable impact on the street character and vibrancy. 

Projects proposing to target upper floor units only will not be considered unless they can demonstrate that the proposal will have a positive impact on the street character and vibrancy of a street or area.

This fund will be open for two years from 7 July 2022. Funding will be awarded on a first come first served basis until all the money has been allocated. 

The application process may close earlier than anticipated depending on the number of applications received.

Contact Belfast City Council to request guidance notes and an application pack.