The ARN Foundation Tackling Isolation for older people Fund

The ARN Foundation is an independent Charitable Trust set up with the intent of supporting good causes across Northern Ireland.

The ARN Foundation’s Tackling Isolation for older people Fund will support organisations to deliver projects in support of older people affected by the cost of living crisis; and will be managed by the Community Foundation for Northern Ireland.

In June 2022 the Community Foundation met with a number of key stakeholders and called for the formation of an Executive to address the cost of living crisis. As part of the Foundation’s commitment to being flexible and responsive we have agreed to review some of our funds with a view to supporting communities at this time.

Among the hardest hit by the cost of living crisis are older people. Older people are often on fixed income, and the rising cost of food and fuel has often led to having to choose between eating or heating.

To be eligible to apply your project must target at least one of the key priorities detailed below:

  • Supporting older people to keep warm.

  • Supporting older people to access a nutritious meal.

  • Reducing isolation and vulnerability of older people through supporting participation in activities, particularly those living in rurally isolated areas.

  • Enabling older people to access technology, and to potential benefits and entitlements that they may not be aware of.

  • Projects supporting older people in rural communities.

We are particularly interested in prioritising older people aged 60 or over, however, we define older people as anyone aged 50 or over.

Examples of projects could include, but are not limited to:

  • Supporting older people through delivery of services to live an independent and well-nourished way of life in their own home and as part of the community.

  • Providing opportunities for older people to be involved in the design, delivery and ongoing management of community-based initiatives.

  • Overcoming social isolation through social contact with other older people building on food activities, such as cooking from scratch and sharing meals, and other activities involving the wider community.

  • Promoting intergenerational activities by involving older and younger people in food-based and social activities.

  • Providing choice in meeting nutritional needs, including delivery of shopping by volunteers or accompanied shopping, and befriending support.

  • Increasing affordability of, and access to, basic foodstuffs and/or fuel.

What can be supported?

  • Running costs, such as sessional costs for tutors, support costs, venue hire, transport.

  • Food costs for luncheon clubs, meals on wheels, community fridges.

  • Capital costs are eligible if they address at least one of the key priorities.

  • An end of grant monitoring report must be submitted upon completion of the project.

The Fund will close for applications at 1pm on Monday 24 October 2022

For more information and to apply, please visit The ARN Foundation Tackling Isolation for older people Fund - Community Foundation Northern Ireland (