Plant trees, hedges and orchards in your community

If you’re planning to plant trees in your community this coming 2022-2023 winter season, then our grants can help.

Branching Out Fund

This Grant fund supports schools, community groups and Tree Warden Networks to plant trees, hedges and orchards. Grants can be between £200 and £2000. All projects must have strong community involvement, and ideally involve children and/or young people. We encourage you to read the application guidance fully before you complete the application form, particularly in relation to eligibility. The grant is open to the whole of the UK.

Trees and Hedgerows for Wildlife & Biodiversity Fund

Competition is high for our Branching Out Fund, but for the second year we are delighted to announce that thanks to one of our corporate supporters, Animal Friends, we have some extra funding for community tree planting projects from our new ‘Trees and Hedgerows for Wildlife and Biodiversity Fund’.  This fund places a special emphasis on wildlife and biodiversity, and is a great opportunity for planting projects that are planned with care and thought as to how our animal and insect friends might best benefit, or are situated in a location where animals are cared for, such as rescue centres or city farms, as long as they have charitable status. Grants can supports schools, community groups and Tree Warden Networks to plant trees, hedges and orchards.

Up to 15% of the amount awarded may go towards the cost of wider ecological enhancements to support wildlife and biodiversity, such as providing or enhancing nesting, feeding and roosting opportunities for birds, bees, bats and insects, and costs associated with pond creation. If you believe that your project falls into this category please complete the Branching Out application form above, and provide further details in Section 3 on how you are prioritising wildlife and biodiversity.

Closing date for applications is 4th December 2022. For more information and to apply, please visit Our grants - The Tree Council