Annual Report 2022

It’s been another busy year for all of us at Supporting Communities. Our recently published Annual Report gives an overview of the many pieces that make up the whole of our ever-evolving organisation as we adapt and grow to meet the needs of the communities we serve.

As the world gets back to a semblance of normality, we are building on the momentum of growth and improvement of the past few years. We aim to become a more data-driven, sustainable organisation as we continue in our mission to improve and empower communities across the island of Ireland.

Lorraine Campbell, Interim Chair, opens the report with these remarks:

“This year has been a transitional one in many ways as we navigated our way through the ups and downs of the Covid pandemic, gradually reinstating in-person services where possible and adapting to the needs and wants of our customers.

We’ve also been making some significant changes internally to the way we work through an ongoing programme of business transformation which will make us a more data-driven, sustainable, and streamlined organisation in the long run, but which is not without its hurdles and challenges along the way!

The Board of Supporting Communities is in transition as well. We have welcomed several new members this past year, and I have stepped down as Chair, although I will remain in post as Interim Chair while we recruit the right person to take the lead.

All of this is to say, we are truly working to ‘build back better,’ taking on board all the lessons we’ve learned to deliver for the communities we serve. This annual report touches on the past year’s highlights and gives a flavour of all that we do. I hope you enjoy it!”

We thank our many members, partners, and especially our key stakeholders, the Housing Executive, Department of Finance, National Trust, and SEUPB, for their support this past year and their continued assistance as we further develop and grow to meet our goals.

Annual Report 2022 by Supporting Communities