New Amp Survey on Climate Change

Supporting Communities has launched a new survey through its survey series ‘The Amp’.

This latest community survey looks at household energy use and our attitudes towards climate change in Northern Ireland.

>> Take the survey now!

The Committee on Climate Change has advised Northern Ireland to cut its carbon emissions by at least 82% by 2050 to help the UK achieve its net-zero ambition. This is the first time such a target for NI has been set by the government's advisory body.

The housing sector has a role to play in reaching this target. Several approaches could be used, including energy-efficient new-build developments, heating system upgrades and retrofitting older homes.

The result would not only reduce carbon emissions but would also tackle fuel poverty and help people to save on heating and electric costs. According to newly released Housing Executive research, local households could save around £700 a year if their homes are adapted to meet modern energy standards.

>> Take the survey now!

You can join the Amp at the end of the survey to be in with a chance of winning a £30 gift voucher!