Getting Ready for the Next Tenant Participation Strategy for Northern Ireland

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Supporting Communities has facilitated 27 online events between November 2020 to February 2021 involving tenants and housing professionals across the country as part of the ‘pre-consultation’ stage to create the next Tenant Participation Strategy for Northern Ireland. 

Shane Clements, Tenant Participation Lead for the Department for Communities, presented the core principles and commitments that the previous strategy was based on to over 300 tenants and staff of social landlords to seek their views as to their relevance and appropriateness going forward.

As the Independent Tenant Organisation for Northern Ireland (ITO), Supporting Communities will now submit the comments and responses we gathered at the sessions to the Department.

Colm McDaid, Chief Executive of Supporting Communities, said, “We are delighted with the level of interest and engagement in the review of the Tenant Participation Strategy from across the social housing sector. This interest reflects the importance of this Strategy which will help take tenant participation to the next level in Northern Ireland. We are looking forward to working with our colleagues in the Department for Communities to compile the next Draft Tenant Participation Strategy for NI and to the formal consultation stage.”

Have Your Say 

We encourage everyone who cares about tenant participation to weigh in on the consultation when it is published.

Supporting Communities will be making the key consultation issues even more accessible by including them in our survey series, The Amp

The Amp enables residents all over Northern Ireland to contribute their thoughts on a range of housing and community-related topics. 

If you would like to be a part of the Amp and be included in our invitation to respond to the consultation, please register here: