10 years of saying “Good Morning Down”
/Good Morning Down is 10 years Old!
Good Morning Down is celebrating 10 years delivering a vital, free telephone service to 110 older and vulnerable people in the Down District Council area.
The group recently hosted a celebration lunch to mark their 10th anniversary, which was funded by a Housing Executive Community Grant.
At the celebratory event, Conor Flanagan, Operational Services Manager with Supporting Communities, commented, “On behalf of Supporting Communities, I would like to congratulate Good Morning Down on 10 years of making those important calls to the most vulnerable in our society. We are particularly pleased as Supporting Communities worked hard in partnership with other agencies at the time to establish this valuable service. Since then, we have provided ongoing support to the organisation and we would like to continue to do so in order to protect this vital service.”
At the event, presentations of certificates were made by Cllr William Walker to volunteers in recognition of their valuable contributions as Telephone Carers and to some of the first call recipients.
Good Morning Down's Project Coordinator Linda Baker remarked, “We’re delighted to acknowledge this 10 year milestone and would like to thank the Housing Executive for supporting our event today and to all the organisations who have supported us over the years.”
“The morning telephone calls have proved a valuable lifeline to many over the years and their popularity continues to grow. Despite austerity measures, we’ll be working hard to ensure we’re here to celebrate our 20th Anniversary!”
Loma Wilson, who was on the awarding panel from the Housing Executive, was happy to support the event commenting, “Helping to ensure the comfort and safety of some of the most vulnerable members of our society is at the heart of the Housing Executive’s work. As the service is proving vital for many of our tenants in the District, we were pleased to support this celebration.”