The ESB Community Benefit Fund is open for 2023

The ESB Community Benefit Fund aims to support community projects which clearly address current and emerging local issues, needs and opportunities, while also seeking to develop and build upon existing initiatives. From equipment to refreshments for activities; from painting lessons to science books, you can apply for items that will help you address at least one of the following themes:

  • Education and skills

  • Health, safety, and wellbeing

  • Environment and habitat conservation

  • Energy efficiency and sustainability

  • Culture and heritage

  • Recreation, sport, and social inclusion


Who can apply?

  • If you are a current recipient, you should submit your last claim by Tuesday 1 November. Unfortunately, we will not be able to take your application forward if this is not the case.


  • If you have been unsuccessful before to the ESB Community Benefit Fund, an application from your organisation/group is welcome.


  • If you are a group/organisation applying for the first time to the ESB Community Benefit Fund, your application is welcome, please note the criteria below and for further information, visit our website.



To be eligible to apply, you must meet all the following criteria:

  • Your project must address at least one of the above themes

  • Your project must be located within the Area of Benefit.

OR the primary beneficiaries of your project must be drawn from one of the above areas of benefit.

  • You must be a registered charity; voluntary/community sector organization; sports or recreation club; or school with a constitution or article of association.



Join us for an online workshop which will cover the application form and criteria for this fund. Register here:


If you have any queries about your application, please send us an email at


The People’s Projects is back!

The National Lottery Community Fund, ITV, UTV and the Sunday Mail are today launching The People’s Projects – a National Lottery funding programme that not only delivers vital funding support to the heart of UK communities, but also raises awareness of the incredible work of community groups across the land.

The popular funding programme returns after a 3-year break and is making a share of over £4 million of National Lottery funding available with applications accepted from today. Groups and projects can apply for grants of up to £70,000 to help their communities and make a real difference to people’s lives.

The People’s Projects also offers an exciting opportunity for the general public to have a say in how National Lottery funding should be put to good use in their local area.

In May 2023, 95 shortlisted groups will take part in a national campaign, with the winners being decided by public vote. Shortlisted groups will be featured on regional TV news in their area (ITV or UTV) or in the Sunday Mail (in Scotland) where they will be able to tell the wider public about their great work and appeal for their vote.

Since it started in 2005, The People’s Projects has awarded around £45 million to over 1,000 good causes.

For more information and to apply visit Deadline for applications is 12 noon on Friday 7th October 2022, although interested groups are urged to apply early as the programme may close sooner depending on the volume of applications.

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Fund

Fund Aims

  • The fund will provide support to community and voluntary organisations who wish to explore and or enhance diversity, equity and inclusion within the group and its community.

  • Supporting organisations to think about how best Equity, Diversity and Inclusion can be addressed enabling everyone in the community to realise their potential.

Background to the Fund

  • Our communities are becoming more diverse. We need to reflect this diversity at all levels.

  • As our society changes, our organisations also must change.

  • This Fund is supported by Comic Relief to support groups to begin these conversations and reflections, so that they can strive to be inclusive to all.

For the purposes of the fund the Foundation use the following definitions:


Involving people from a range of different social and ethnic backgrounds and of different genders, sexual orientations, etc.


Fairness or justice in the way we treat people.


Providing equal access to opportunities and resources for people who might otherwise be excluded or marginalized.

Size of Grant:

We will offer grants ranging from £500 to £1,000

We want to prioritise projects that:

  • Assist in making organsiations management structures, policies, decision making, activities and programmes reflective of the diversity we have in our society.

  • Assisting organisations to Identify the barriers and provide solutions to improve diversity, equity and inclusion within their organisation

  • Demonstrate a commitment to implementing the solutions, reflecting greater diversity, equity and inclusion in their organisation


Applicant Must:

  • Be constituted and based in Northern Ireland

  • Have an active committee and current bank account

  • Have financial records and present accounts to your AGM

  • Have at least two cheque signatories who are unrelated

  • Have an income of £250k or less

What we will fund:

Whilst the Foundation prefers to receive applications seeking support based on lived experience, examples of what could be funded include:

  • Diversity Equity and Inclusion Training for management committees and volunteers

  • Review of policies and procedures to identify levels of diversity and develop an action plan to update these policies and procedures Developing a group/organisation Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Action Plan

  • Explore how diverse communities can be involved in the design and delivery of programmes and activities

  • Community analysis to identify how diverse community is and what could be delivered to support those diverse communities

  • Explore a Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Community Leadership Programme

There is no closing date for applications. For more information and to apply, please visit Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Fund - Community Foundation Northern Ireland (


BC & P Fund

The BC & P Fund exists to support small, locally based grassroots community projects in the Local Authority areas of Mid and East Antrim, and Antrim and Newtownabbey.


  • Priority will be given to applications from small groups, typically with an annual income of less than £200,000, as evidenced in the most recent set of accounts.

  • Projects must aim to directly support one of the following specific groups:

    • Young people

    • Older people

    • People with disabilities

  • The Fund will not support projects targeting all ages.

  • Priority will be given to projects that are:

    • addressing health and wellbeing issues

    • targeting those facing disadvantage (e.g. rural isolation, low income, social exclusion, reduced access to services

    • involving the beneficiaries in their development and delivery

Examples of types of projects that may be supported within Fund themes:

  • Community education and training opportunities

  • Communication and leadership skills

  • Local initiatives to improve resources and community facilities

  • Creativity and self-expression through drama, music or a range of arts.

  • Inclusion and involvement of disadvantaged communities

  • Out of school projects for young people

Who can apply:

  • Constituted grass roots community and voluntary groups

  • Have a committee of at least three unrelated Trustees/Directors (if there are more than three related, the majority must be unrelated individuals with no financial interest in the organisation.)

Grants available:

The grants are split into two elements:

  • Small scale grants that are limited to £3,000 – £4,000

  • Larger scale grants that are limited to £10,000 (only two of these grants will be available per round)

Closing date for applications is 3rd October 2022 and more information can be found here BC & P Fund - Community Foundation Northern Ireland (


The Cancer Charities’ Support Fund

The Cancer Support Funding award will enable charities to provide a wide range of support services for cancer patients throughout NI, and will cover key areas in the cancer pathway; from pre-diagnosis, through to palliative and end of life care. These services are key support mechanisms towards the implementation of the Cancer Recovery Plan and the Cancer Strategy, and important in working towards the Department’s aim of building cancer service capacity in communities.

The Cancer Charities’ Support Fund will provide support of between £5,000 and £1 million for cancer charities.

The three categories of grant values are:

  • £5,000 to £30,000 – Small Grant

  • £30,000 to £500,000 – Medium Grant

  • £500,000 to £1million – Large Grant

In exceptional circumstances higher awards to charities working together to deliver a proposal, may be considered.

Applications are welcome for projects that must have all the funds spent by March 2024. You can, however, apply for projects over 12 months or up to March 2024.

You should clearly outline in your application the duration of the project and costs associated for each year you are applying for.  This will be used for reporting purposes and you should therefore be as accurate as possible when outlining your application costs.

Fund outcomes:

Specific outcomes that the Fund should deliver are:

  • Prevention such as awareness raising sessions and campaigns

  • Psychological support/counselling

  • Palliative care

  • Improved access to information and support services including financial/welfare/ benefits advice, and support available through new technologies

  • Enhanced provision of, and access to, practical support for people with cancer

  • Services to support physical and mental health and wellbeing

  • Specific research into the experience of patients with cancer

  • Provision of screening services, and

  • Delivery of cancer rehabilitation programmes.

For an application to be successful, it must contribute to at least one of the above outcomes, depending on the level of funding applied for.

Who can apply:

  • The charity must be providing or funding services in Northern Ireland. These services should be focused predominantly on people living with cancer, or their support structure

  • Charities must be registered or awaiting registration with the Charity Commission


What can be supported:

  • Projects which support delivery of at least one of the outcomes above

  • Costs associated with project delivery only

  • Proposals will be particularly welcome which focus on supporting those living in rural communities, and from the lesser heard/excluded or marginalised communities

  • Delivery of Departmental objectives as outlined in strategic frameworks

  • Funding for research linked to cancer patient experience will also be eligible, and

  • Consideration of other sources of funding may be applied, for example: if the applicant is applying and/or in receipt of funding from any other DoH fund, or support from a Trust, the Foundation may prioritise funding for other applicants who have not accessed other such sources of funding

  • Costs associated with IT equipment, providing it will support service delivery and enhance a particular service

  • Volunteer expenses, including training

Closing date for applications is 7th October 2022. For more information and to apply, please visit The‌ ‌Cancer‌ ‌Charities’‌ ‌Support‌ Fund‌ ‌ - Community Foundation Northern Ireland (


Grant Making Strategy for 2022-2025

BBC Children and Need have just launched a new Grant-Making Strategy for 2022-2025, with a new funding programme launching mid-October this year. This programme will offer project based funding, and also funding for core (organisational) costs. The strategy focusses on the principles of:

  • Sharing power with children and young people

  • Acting flexibly

  • Using BBC Children in Need’s voice to build awareness and empathy around issues

  • Building partnerships to bring communities and investors together

In Spring 2023, a funding stream will also be launched for smaller, emerging organisations. This stream is aimed at organisations who may need greater support to access funding.

For more information about available grants, please click here. If you would like to speak to one of the Northern Ireland team about a potential application, you can get in contact via email

Fermanagh & Omagh District Council: Events & Festivals Sponsorship

The Council will support organisations / event organisers who deliver various types of events including but not limited to niche, specialist, local, regional, national and international events and festivals within the district that;

  • Will enhance the Christmas offer in the District

  • Support evening and night time economy

  • Animate the area

  • Provide regional / national media coverage to increase the profile of the place

  • Takes place over more than one day / night

  • Must be minimum medium - large scale events with attendance numbers 2500+

Closing date for applications is Sunday 4th September 2022 at 5pm.

For more information please visit Grant Manager (

Climate Action Fund

This funding aims to help communities across the UK to address climate change.

We’re looking for projects that focus on the link between nature and climate. We want to fund projects that use nature to encourage more community-led climate action. We expect these projects to bring other important social and economic benefits. Like the creation of strong, resilient and healthy communities or the development of ‘green’ skills and jobs.

We’re interested in projects that can do at least one of the following:

  • show how creating a deeper connection with nature will lead to changing people’s behaviours and greater care for the environment

  • show how by bringing nature back into the places we live and work, we can help communities to reduce or adapt to the impacts of climate change.

You can read our blog for examples of projects we’re likely to fund.

We want all the projects we fund to be creative, include everyone and try out new things. Projects also need to show how they can achieve longer-term, larger change that goes beyond the communities they're directly working with.

We’re looking to fund between 12 and 15 projects.

We'll accept applications from either:

  • local partnerships

  • UK-wide partnerships which are delivered across at least two UK countries (England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales).

Area UK-wide

Suitable for Community and voluntary organisations, charities, public sector, working in partnerships

Funding size Up to £1.5 million over 2 to 5 years, with most projects between £300,000 and £500,000. Development grants of £50,000 to £150,000 over 12 to 18 months.

Application deadline Ongoing

For more information and to apply, please visit Climate Action Fund | The National Lottery Community Fund (

National Lottery Grants for Heritage – £10,000 to £250,000

National Lottery Grants for Heritage allows to fund projects that connect people and communities to the national, regional and local heritage of the UK.

Using money raised by the National Lottery, the National Lottery Heritage Fund inspires, leads and resources the UK’s heritage to create positive and lasting change for people and communities, now and for the future.

National Lottery Grants for Heritage is an open programme for all types of heritage projects in the UK.

This guidance is for applications for grants from £10,000 to £250,000. It will tell you more about the programme and the types of project we can fund. 

Priorities up to the end of 2022–2023 financial year

The impact of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic means we will prioritise heritage projects that: 

  • promote inclusion and involve a wider range of people (a mandatory outcome)

  • boost the local economy

  • encourage skills development and job creation

  • support wellbeing

  • create better places to live, work and visit

  • improve the resilience of organisations working in heritage

Projects must achieve at least our inclusion outcome. In addition to our outcomes, all projects must also consider long-term environmental sustainability.

Please thoroughly read the supplementary document, Priorities for National Lottery Grants for Heritage. This is a formal part of the programme guidance until the end of the financial year 2022–2023. 

Things you need to know

  • Requirements: your project must not start before we make a decision and it must focus on heritage in the UK.

  • Deadlines for applications: there is no deadline so you can apply whenever you are ready.

  • To consider: you can get advice on your project before you apply by submitting an optional Project Enquiry Form. See the Project Enquiry Form's questions.

  • Assessment process: once we receive your application and all the correct supporting documents, we will assess your application and give you a decision in eight weeks. The assessment of our first few applications may take slightly longer than eight weeks as we transition back into our normal grant-giving cycle.

  • Your contribution: for applications of £100,000 to £250,000 you must contribute at least 5% of your project costs.

For more information and to apply, please visit National Lottery Grants for Heritage – £10,000 to £250,000 | The National Lottery Heritage Fund

Power NI's Brighter Community funding

The Brighter Communities programme energises innovative and emerging community groups, teams and projects with £1000 of funding awarded each month. Since 2018 we have contributing over £40,000 to our communities and we are still going!

Applications for the month are now open, and we welcome all communities to apply. Successful communities will receive £1000 of funding to help make their community shine a little brighter. All applications must comply with the Brighter Communities terms & conditions.

Please visit Brighter Communities | Community Funding | Power NI

Marine Litter Capital Grants

Live Here Love Here are delighted to announce the launch of the second year of the highly successful Marine Litter Grants. The Live Here Love Here Marine Litter Capital Grants are funded by the Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs through the Live Here Love Here collaborative partnership, involving DAERA, ten Local Councils, Northern Ireland Housing Executive and Keep Northern Ireland Beautiful.

The Marine Litter Capital Grants will support organisations and groups to purchase items to:

  • Prevent litter and plastic pollution from entering the marine environment

  • Enhance the environmental management of a local area to reduce marine litter

  • Improve the health and wellbeing of communities and marine biodiversity recovery by helping to improve and/or maintain the quality of public open spaces

  • Improve the quality of their local environment by changing behaviour through creative concepts to reduce the incidence of littering

Financial support of between £500 and £40,000 will be available to constituted groups, businesses and statutory bodies meeting the eligibility criteria. 

Financial support of between £500 and £5,000 will be available to non-constituted groups

For more information and to apply, please visit Marine Litter Capital Grants delivered by Live Here Love Here

Coca-Cola Thank You Fund

Now in its 12th year, the Coca‑Cola Thank You Fund was set up in 2011 to mark the 125th anniversary of the company.

Over the years, the Coca‑Cola Thank You Fund has supported projects including community, social and education programmes aimed at youth, healthy and active lifestyles and environmental leadership. To date €1,255,00 has been given to 121 non-profit organisations across the island of Ireland.

In 2022, Coca‑Cola will donate a further €100,000 to youth-orientated non-profit groups committed to support young people to build sustainable communities.

For the purposes of the Fund, young people are defined as those aged between 16 and 25 years of age.

In 2022, the Fund will focus on one overall theme – Investing in Sustainable Communities - enabling everyone to live in a community where economic and environmental sustainability as well as social equity is at its heart. The Fund will help to nurture a generation of change champions who will help to shape, create and maintain sustainable communities for the benefit of all.


Within this theme, the Fund is seeking applications which fall under one or more of the following three categories:

Educational, Training, Resilience, entrepreneurship programmes for young people


Programmes that support Diversity & Inclusivity and social equity among young people


Programmes that encourage and support young people to care for and protect the environment

For more information and to apply, please visit Thank You Fund | Community and culture | Coca-Cola IE

Funding in Northern Ireland

The National Lottery Community Fund is the largest community funder in the UK. Each year we distribute millions of pounds of funding raised by National Lottery players to community groups and charitable projects across Northern Ireland.

Our priority is to keep money flowing to support communities across Northern Ireland.

We are here to help and want to talk to you about your ideas to support local communities. We have a range of open funding programmes and are happy to chat to you about these.

Contact us if you have an idea on 028 9055 1455 or at

National Lottery Awards for All Northern Ireland


  • Projects bringing local people together to make positive changes in their community.

  • No deadline, so groups can apply any time.

  • Applying is quick and simple.

  • Applications welcome from constituted voluntary or community organisations, schools, and statutory bodies.

  • If we funded you within the last two years, we may have to give priority to other groups that have not recently been funded through this programme.

  • This funding is for projects that will run for 12 months or less

People and Communities


  • Project ideas should come from the community. Talk to the people you want to help and get them involved in shaping and planning the project.

  • Your project should make good use of the skills, knowledge, resources and energy of people within your community; making it stronger and ready for the future.

  • Understand the need for your project and how it fits with the work of other organisations. Build relationships and work together on shared goals.

  • Applications welcome from constituted voluntary or community organisations, and social enterprises.

  • This funding is for projects that will run for between 1 and 5 years.

Empowering Young People


  • This funding is for projects that work with young people (8 – 25 years old), and which will run for between 1 and 5 years.

  • Projects will help young people to: have the skills they need for the future; have better relationships with their support networks and communities; and/or have improved health and wellbeing.

  • Young people must be involved in the planning and delivery of the project. They must be able to develop the skills to help themselves, and their support networks and communities need to be involved too.

  • Applications welcome from constituted voluntary or community organisations, and social enterprises.

Dormant Accounts Fund

  • The fund opened for applications on Tuesday, 12 January 2021.

  • This fund will support the voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) sector to be more resilient and prepared for the future by funding activity that increases capacity and sustainability.

  • Dormant accounts are UK bank and building society accounts that have been untouched for 15 or more years, and where banks and building societies are unable to trace the customer who owns the account. They are not derived from National Lottery activity.

  • Under Section 22 of the Dormant Bank and Building Society Accounts Act 2008, we distribute money under direction from the Department of Finance.

  • To make sure this funding has maximum impact in communities, we held a consultation in late 2019. You can read what we heard.

  • In the first phase, we have developed a flexible and responsive grant programme that will support organisations to be able to adapt to future challenges and be more financially resilient.

  • We'll also support larger investments that will enable collaboration and develop new and creative approaches to sustainability. These Northern Ireland-wide or sector-specific proposals could focus on specific themes such as volunteering, digital capacity or diversity and inclusion. If you have any questions, contact us.

Apply here - Funding in Northern Ireland | The National Lottery Community Fund (

Tesco Community Grants

Support for your community

Tesco Community Grants fund thousands of local community projects across the UK, helping to fight holiday hunger, tackle mental health, support young people, host community events and much more.

Who can apply?

Tesco Community Grants support local good causes that focus on helping children and families and tackling food poverty. Grants will be awarded to voluntary or community organisations (including registered charities/companies), schools, health bodies (e.g. Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs), NHS Hospital Trust, Foundation Trust), Parish/Town Councils, local authorities and social housing providers.

This list is not exhaustive and there will be many other types of organisations that will be funded.

Eligible projects

Examples of eligible projects with a focus on supporting children and families could be;

  • a local school needing food for a children’s breakfast club,

  • a voluntary organisation working with families to run holiday clubs,

  • a charity supporting young people with specialist advice to manage mental health,

  • a brownie or scout group needing new tents,

  • or a youth sports club needing new equipment,

  • a family advice centre wanting to recruit more volunteers,

  • or a local friends of a park group wanting to develop a new toddler area.

How to apply

Tesco Community Grants is administered by Groundwork and projects can apply online at: Tesco Community Grants If you are a Tesco customer or colleague, you can nominate a cause that you’d like to see supported and we’ll contact them to encourage them to apply, you can also do this online.

Awards are available up to £1,500.

There is no deadline for applications.

ASDA Foundation's Feeding Communities Grant

Feeding Communities Grant has been designed to help provide meals to anyone in need in the lead up to Christmas. With more local and national lockdowns in place and changes anticipated to the coming weeks, supporting those with food provision is needed more than ever. Communities are struggling, Charites are feeling the pressure, Asda Foundation is providing support.

Meals can be provided for individuals, families, meals at children’s healthy holiday clubs. This guide is to assist and support you through the application process. The Community Champion in your local store is also able to support you in completing your application.

Please do not go into store to ensure the safety of our customers and colleagues during this ,me. Please call, email or zoom Community Champions for support.

Each year, Asda Foundation support local grass roots organisations to transform communities and improve the lives of people living within the Asda community. We welcome applications from groups which:

• Benefits their local community

• Are local to an Asda store

• Unites communities with activities and support

• Ensures everyone has an equal opportunity to become involved

Each store has a Community Champion, their role is to support projects within the community and support bringing people together. They manage all applications for Asda Foundation grants.

Asda Foundation do not accept applications sent directly from community groups. Please use the store locator link on the Asda Foundation website to get in touch with your local store, and speak to your Community Champion about how we might be able to support you.

Feeding Communities Grant

• Maximum £1,000 per grant.

• Per meal maximum cost £4.00 (can be lower than this)

• We will not contribute towards meals which cost more than £4.

• No quotes needed

• All requests must include a bank statement as proof of payee name

• We will fund groups who have already received funding from Asda Foundation in 2020

• All groups must be not for profit, we do not fund groups who deliver a service to make a profit.

For more information please visit

Improving Lives Grant

The Improving Lives grant programme provides grants to charitable organisations that help people when other sources of support have failed, are inappropriate, or are simply not available.

We support established organisations delivering services directly to beneficiaries. We are looking for services which can demonstrate a track record of success, and evidence the effectiveness of the work.

This is our largest grants programme, through which the majority of our funds are distributed.

Grant size: £20k – £60k per year

Length: 1-3 years

Decision timescale: 6 Months

Deadlines: None

Priority areas:

We have six funding priorities that describe the work we support and how we want to bring about change for the most disadvantaged people in the greatest need.

  1. Help at a critical moment

  2. Positive choices

  3. Accommodation/housing support

  4. Employment and training

  5. Financial inclusion, rights and entitlements

  6. Support networks and family

For more information and to apply please visit

The Prince’s Countryside Fund is now open

The Prince’s Countryside Fund has grants of up to £10,000 available for projects from across the UK which are working to create resilient rural communities. 

Supported by players of People’s Postcode Lottery locally-focused, legally-constituted not-for-profit organisations can apply for one year of grant funding from the Fund. Projects must be completed by 31st March 2022.

Projects from all across the UK are invited to apply for this funding.

You should apply for as much as you need to complete your project, to a maximum of £10,000. We anticipate an average grant would be in the region of £8,000.

The theme is Rural Community Resilience and we will be looking for applications that will build on some of the amazing projects that came about as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic this year, and the effect that this had on rural communities. We will be looking for projects which protect or boost community assets and enterprises, or otherwise strengthen the sense of community.

Rural Community Resilience means different things to different communities, but the concept we are looking for is a project which will allow the community to survive and thrive, especially when facing a situation which affects everyday rural life.

For more information and to apply, please visit

Digital funding for small charities up to £2500

The Fat Beehive Foundation is an independent UK registered charity that provides small grants for websites and digital products to other small UK registered charities.

Priorities for support

The Foundation can only support a limited amount of projects, based on the funding available for distribution in any given year. The funding priorities over the next year are:

  • Environmental protection or climate change mitigation

  • Human rights

  • International development

  • Equality and Diversity

  • Social justice / Refugees / Housing

  • Education

  • Art & culture

  • Health and wellbeing

  • Prisoner rehabilitation

What they don’t fund

The funding programmes are very specific. They aren’t a general IT funder and hence don’t fund general software or hardware procurement projects.

They are keen for funding to have a genuine impact, so they don’t fund organisations without the internal resources to make the project a success.

Although they recognise the critical importance of funding core costs or staff time, they are unable to do this. The Foundation focus purely on hard-to-fund digital expenditure that other funders will often not cover.

The bulk of the funding is provided by Fat Beehive Ltd, and to avoid any conflicts of interest the Fat Beehive Foundation they will not provide grants to charities that already use or would like to use Fat Beehive Ltd’s services. 

The Foundation do not fund organisations set up to promote religion.

For more information please visit

Moy Park has established a £1 Million Fund to support community organisations

Charities and support groups can apply for a grant from the Moy Park Community Support Fund which is aimed at supporting and enriching the lives of those in need across its local communities. This new initiative builds on Moy Park’s range of existing and long-established community measures, including charity and educational programmes.

Launching the £1 Million Community Support Fund scheme, Moy Park’s HR and Performance Director, Kirsty Wilkins said:

“At Moy Park, our commitment to contribute to the wellbeing of the communities we operate in has always been at the heart of our business. We draw most of our employees from the areas surrounding our facilities and we see our communities as important partners. This new £1 Million Community Support Fund will help provide extra assistance to our neighbours over the next 24 months.

“The food industry plays a vital role, keeping our supermarket shelves stocked and we are thankful to our local towns, villages and team members who are part of this important effort. Moy Park is a people focused organisation, and we invest heavily in development opportunities for our colleagues in the workplace. This new community initiative is a natural extension of this approach and we look forward to receiving applications from local groups.”

Applications to apply for a grant from the Moy Park Community Support Fund will open on the 1st of July and can be made via Moy Park’s website