Supporting homeless charities throughout the UK

We are a small charity with limited funds available. Please check carefully that both your organisation and your project meet our criteria before making an application.


  • Your organisation must be registered with the Charity Commission in England, Wales or Northern Ireland or a registered Scottish Charity.

  • We are able to help only small charities with an annual turnover of less than £500,000.

  • We can only accept applications towards the funding of capital projects. We are unable to accept applications towards running/core costs. Note: we are also unable to consider requests for computers and IT equipment.

  • We provide small grants of up to £5,000. We do not consider multi-year requests.

  • There should be a minimum period of two years between the receipt of a decision or grant from us and making a further application.


All applicants must complete our online application form. Please note we no longer accept applications by post or email.

Deadlines for applications

The quarterly deadlines for applications for funding each year are: 5pm on 15th March/15th June/15th September/15th December.
You will be informed of the Trustees’ decision within eight weeks of each deadline.


Examples of recent grants made can be found here.

For more information, please visit Applying for Funding — Help the Homeless (