NI Arts Groups Invited to Apply for Small Capital Grant Funding

Funding is available for voluntary and community organisations in Northern Ireland to buy equipment and make minor improvements to their premises, helping them stay active in the arts sector.

The Small Capital Grants Programme provided by the Arts Council of Northern Ireland is intended to support organisations in maintaining their creative spaces and addressing any issues that hinder their work. This includes ensuring necessary equipment is in place to welcome staff, artists and audiences, and supporting the delivery of the arts to maintain and improve artistic quality, accessibility, environment and audience experience.

Grants of up to £20,000 are available. The following criteria apply:

  • Applicants do not have to be primarily an arts organisation (for example, community groups may apply to the scheme); however, the purpose of the requested equipment and/or minor works must be clearly focused on the arts.

  • Local authorities are eligible to apply but they are a low priority.

  • Registered charities and other fully constituted organisations which cannot distribute a profit are eligible to apply.

  • Commercial organisations can only apply for support if the equipment and/or minor works is primarily for the benefit of the public rather than their own commercial interests.

  • If the organisation has a limited membership, it must show that the equipment and/or minor works will benefit the wider public.

  • Groups of organisations (consortia) working together to deliver specific projects may apply.

Grants are used to support the costs of equipment and/or minor works to help adapt the organisation's venue or working practice. Eligible costs and activities include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • New equipment/structures to enhance accessibility/delivery.

  • Accessibility equipment and minor works.

  • Creation of safe spaces.

  • IT equipment to assist/improve arts delivery. 

  • Software (pre-loaded operating systems and packages only). 

  • Works in relation to upgrading and maintaining existing systems.

  • Transport.

  • Tablet computers (maximum ACNI contribution of £500).

  • Laptops/PCs (maximum ACNI contribution of £1,200).

All purchases and minor works must be completed by 14 March 2025.

The deadline for applications is 7 October 2024 (12 noon).

For more information and to apply, please visit Small Capital Grants Programme | Arts Council NI (