Sport NI: Creating Opportunities

Project Creating Opportunities is the next phase of funding to connect communities, enabling more people to take part in sport and physical activity throughout Northern Ireland.

In particular, a focus of the project is to ‘level the playing field’, so that accessibility and inclusion is felt and experienced by those who have been traditionally excluded from not only participating in sport, but playing an active role within the club (e.g. coaching, officiating and leading as part of a board).

You will need a crowdfunding project to apply for funding. Start creating your campaign project at Start crowdfunding | Crowdfunder UK and, if eligible, you’ll be prompted to apply for our funding. Have a look at the videos below which will explain the process in more detail. This investment aims to support projects and initiatives that are creative and innovative and will engage or re-engage people back into sport.

Important Documents

Funding Conditions

Guidance Information

Creating your Crowdfunder Campaign Page

Creating Opportunities FAQs

Terms & Conditions

Who is Creating Opportunities for?

Applications should focus particularly on people from at least one of the following priority groups:

  • Women & girls;

  • People with disabilities;

  • Children & young people – especially those aged between 11-18 years;

  • Older people aged over 50;

  • Ethnically diverse communities;

  • LGBTQ+ community;

  • People living in areas of greatest need (based on NISRA postcode, quartile1);

  • People living in rural areas (based on NISRA postcode)

Our match funding, of up to £5,000, aims to help the sports sector ‘level the playing field’.

To be eligible to apply you must be one of the following organisations:

  • A constituted sports club which is affiliated to a governing body of sport which is recognised by Sport NI OR Sport Ireland.

o   Recognised Sport NI Governing Bodies

o   Recognised Sport Ireland Governing Bodies

  • A community/voluntary sector organisation that delivers or enables sport and/or physical activity as your primary activity. Sports and activities must be recognised by Sport NI.

  • A charitable trust that delivers or enables sport and/or physical activity as your primary activity. Sports and activities must be recognised by Sport NI.

  • A constituted Parent Teacher Association (PTA) that delivers or enables new/additional extracurricular sport and/or physical activity including outdoor activity residentials. Sports and activities must be recognised by Sport NI

For more information, please visit Creating Opportunities | Sport NI