Funding for Work Raising Awareness of Issues Gypsy, Roma and Traveller Communities Face
/This grantmaking trust funds specific groups that experience marginalisation and/or discrimination within the UK, including Gypsy, Roma and Traveller groups as well as organisations that work directly with, and provide support to, Gypsy, Roma and Traveller Communities.
The Foundation has announced that it is keen to receive applications that ‘support work that raises awareness of the issues Gypsy and Traveller communities face, and work to combat hate crime, stigma, discrimination and inequalities, including the lack of appropriate accommodation or other service provision’.
In the past grants have been made towards providing advice and advocacy; building the capacity of community groups; supporting victims of domestic abuse; law and policy reform; inclusion projects and work aimed at changing attitudes. Groups who have other ideas are welcome to contact the funder to discuss their proposed project.
Small registered charities, constituted voluntary groups, charitable organisations and Community Interest Companies can apply as long as their work does not benefit people only in London. Applicants working locally should have an income of up to £100,000 per year. Those working nationally should have an income of around £250,000 per year.
Although the maximum grant available is £15,000 (either as a single grant or spread over two to three years) the average grant size is between £5,000 and £6,000.
Applications can be made at any time. There are no fixed deadlines. Applications received will be considered at the next Trustees’ meeting.
To be considered for the October 2024 meeting, applications should be received by the end of July/early August.
For more information please visit The Allen Lane Foundation