Poundland Foundation launches grant programme Kits 4 Kids

Our current grant programme is Kits 4 Kids. If you're a local kids' sports club/organisation or team then we could support you with a grant of up to £750 to buy new kit.

What is Kits 4 Kids?

We want to support local kids' sport clubs to keep children active by taking part in the sport or activity they love!

Grants of up to £750 are available to buy new kit (clothing). We accept applications from organisations across the UK.

Please check your club or organisation meets our eligibility criteria before applying:

• Funding is only available to organisations based in the UK
• Applications are not eligible from profit-making organisations or schools: registered charities, community interest companies (CICs) and unregistered organisations can apply
• Groups must work with children under 18
• Grant to be spent on core kit only (clothing) and clubs must agree to display the Poundland Foundation logo on their kit
• Organisations must have an income of under £10,000 and hold reserves under £5,000
• Organisations must have a safeguarding and/or child protection policy that will have to be uploaded part of the application process
• Organisations must have their own bank account and will have to upload proof of the account name, sort code and account number at the time of application

Previous grant recipients are eligible to apply but you must have received your last grant before 7th November 2022.

Due to the volume of applications we receive, we can't respond to questions. We will notify you by email if your application has been successful or not.

Apply here!

Applications are open until 23:59 on 24th May.