Halifax Foundation for NI launch new funding streams

Halifax Foundation for NI have launched their new website and Strategy for 2024 - 2028, ‘Better Together’ - the following new funding streams are now available;

Community Flex

This is our main programme which will be a rolling programme, open to registered charities only which have 1 years full accounts published on the Charity Commission website. Maximum grant available £10,000. The charity income in the last 12 months needs to be less than £500,000 (this is a change to our last programme as it was open to those with an income of less than £1m) the charity must support those in greatest need and we can support running costs, salaries, materials, training, transport, activity costs and volunteer costs. Open now!



This is a seeding grant for new charities, this does not mean newly registered on the Charity Commission website this means set up within the last 2 years -we will check the constitution date for this information. Groups must be on the Charity Commission website. The maximum grant available is £2,000. There is a set budget for this programme and once this has been allocated we will not be able to issue any further grants. There is an option for mentoring or training support with this grant. Open now!



This programme is for 2 or more registered charities coming together to tackle a social issue, both charities must have an income under £500k. This programme has a set budget and once this is allocated we will not be able to issue any further funding. Applicants must have a pre-application meeting with the Grants Team before applying online. This is for one year funding only. This programme is open for applications now. Max grant £20k.


This programme is not currently open for applications however this will open for funding on 3rd June 24 closing on 28th June 24. Awards will be made in August with a starting date of September.

This is for infrastructure charities supporting community groups to receive 1-2 year funding , maximum grant is £20k. The organisation needs to be a registered charity and must be strategic/transformational in nature. Projects must not duplicate activities supported by or the responsibility of government departments. A pre-application meeting must take place before applying.


40 Invest

This programme is not open for applications. It’s our 40th Anniversary in 2025, to celebrate we will be providing 2 year grants of £40,000 (£20k per year) 10% of this can be allocated as a contingency fund for unexpected expenditure. This programme opens for applications on Monday 2nd September and closes on Monday 30th September 2024. Awards will be made in December, with a start date of January 2025.  An additional £5,000 we will held for each grantee to support capacity building initiatives. Income must be less than £250k.

More information on each funding stream can be found on their website - About Us – Halifax Foundation NI