NI Micro Community Investment Fund – Last Chance to Apply in 2023

Managed by the Community Foundation for Northern Ireland, the Micro Community Investment Fund has been launched with support from Bank of Ireland UK, in recognition and celebration of the contribution of voluntary groups and people to society and the need for a simple application process for small amounts of funding.

Applications will be accepted from grassroots community organisations based in Northern Ireland with an annual income of less than £30,000. Priority will be given to groups with an income of up to £10,000.

Grants of up to £2,000 can support both new and existing activities.

The funding is intended to provide investment for community initiatives making a difference in towns and villages across Northern Ireland through projects that focus on improving at least one of the following:

  • Financial wellbeing.

  • Physical wellbeing.

  • Mental wellbeing.

Priority will be given to projects that:

  • Focus on the positive contribution of people within the community and support the challenges that people face in ligt of the rising cost of living.

  • Enable active participation of a community in decision-making and involvement in making their community a better place to live in.

  • Focus on the assets within the community which the project will use to make the community a better place to live in.

  • Help get people engaged in taking community action where it has not happened before to make the community a better place to live in.

  • Address more than one particular strand of wellbeing.

Due to its popularity, the Fund is now nearing the position where the funds for 2023-24 will be fully allocated.

The Fund will close this year to applications on 6 October 2023 (13:00). For more information and to apply, please visit Micro Community Investment Fund - Community Foundation Northern Ireland (