Churchill Fellowship

A Churchill Fellowship offers you the full funding to travel anywhere in the world for 4-8 weeks, researching a topic of your choice that can make a contribution to UK society on your return.

Scheme details

Churchill Fellows are funded to spend up to two months discovering new approaches and best practice in their chosen topic, from innovators and leading professionals worldwide. Then they support you to share their global insights with communities and sectors across the UK and turn their ideas into action.

For the first time, Fellows can carry out their international research entirely online from the UK, or by travelling overseas, or through a combination of both.

These are not academic research trips, they are journeys to learn about real-world issues from the leading practitioners in the world. And we want you to make a real-world difference with your learning when you come home.

Who can apply

Fellowships are open to all UK adult citizens regardless of their age, qualifications or background. They prioritise applicants and projects that would not receive funding from any other source and welcome applications from those with lived or learned experience of the issue they wish to address.

The Fellowship experience is life-changing for many. In their annual survey of Fellows’ impact, the majority report significant growth in their knowledge, networks, confidence and standing – and projects that may have started with local aspirations have often grown to national scale. In the 2021 survey, 100% of Fellows said they would recommend applying for a Fellowship.

Applications made this year are for projects to begin from August 2023 onwards.


They fund UK citizens from all parts of society to research a practical topic overseas that can make a real difference to their community or profession when they come home. And award 150 of these Fellowships each year and selection is made on the potential of the applicant and the strength of their idea.

Application Deadline 5 pm on 22 Nov 2022
You can apply online here.