Great Big Green Week – Community Fund

Grants are available for charities, community groups, voluntary organisations, and other not-for-profit organisations to deliver events and activities during the Great Big Green Week 2022.

This fund aims to support community groups to organise local events, activities, and festivals that engage local communities and celebrate the actions and progress being made on climate change.

Projects, activities, and events should take place during the Great Big Green Week (24 September to 2 October 2022).

Three grant sizes are available:

  • Small grants between £200 and £500.

  • Medium grants between £500 and £5,000.

  • Large grants between £5,000 and £10,000.

The following can apply:

  • Voluntary and community organisations.

  • Constituted groups or clubs.

  • Registered charities.

  • Charitable incorporated organisations (CIOs).

  • Not-for-profit companies.

  • Community interest companies.

  • Schools (if the project benefits and involves communities around the school and appropriate safeguarding policies are in place).

  • Statutory bodies, such as local authorities, towns, parishes, and community councils.

  • Community benefit societies.

Funding is for projects and activities that meet one or more of the following criteria:

  • Empower local groups to create new connections locally that support new people and organisations to take climate action locally (eg local businesses, sports clubs, cultural organisations, and faith groups.

  • Led by or in partnership with groups who are underrepresented within the climate movement (Eg ethnic minorities, people with disabilities, or poorer communities).

  • Are in locations with no existing green week or related activity, or where the event takes existing or previously funded activity to a new level.

  • Engage local politicians and/or councillors in events happening in their constituency.

  • Support engagement across generations and encourage intergenerational dialogue.

Funding can be used to cover:

  • Equipment.

  • One-off Events.

  • Staff costs (if directly in support of the proposed Great Big Green Week activity).

  • Transport.

  • Utilities.

  • Volunteer expenses.

  • Publicity (eg flyers, social media advertising etc).

For more information and to apply please visit Funding - Great Big Green Week