Green Hall Foundation
/Fund Information
Funding body: Green Hall Foundation
Maximum value: £10,000
Objectives of Fund
The foundation's objective is to sustainably improve lives among the sick, the elderly, the disabled, and the disadvantaged, particularly in the UK.
Value Notes
Grants typically range in value from £1,000 to £10,000.
Who Can Apply
Charities registered in the UK may apply as follows:
Each May meeting will be open to charities in all income brackets.
Each November meeting will only be open to charities with an annual income of £250,000 or less.
A charity can only submit a further grant application a full 12 months after the date of their last application. This applies in all instances, even if the further application is for a different project.
Eligible Expenditure
Funding is available to support special projects or the purchase of specific equipment that will make a tangible difference to the relevant charity (for example, where the Foundation can meet a significant proportion of the funding required), and which will make a lasting difference for example, where permanent equipment is needed or building required as opposed to funding salaries or the charity running costs.
Preference will be given to projects that will benefit a number of beneficiaries rather than just a few.
How To Apply?
The first application cycle for 2022 is now open.
Only the first 200 applications will go forward to the Trustees for consideration at each meeting. Once the limit has been reached, the application cycle will be closed, which is normally within two days.
The Trustees meet twice yearly to consider applications, in May and November. Application rounds usually open on 1 March and 1 September each year at 9 am.
Applicants must register at the Foundation's website to access the online application form. Only online applications are accepted.