How to Make a Succession Plan
What is a Succession Plan?
The process of identifying and developing new members who can replace existing members when they leave or retire.
Why is it important?
A member suddenly leaving or retiring can have significant effects on a group or organisation if they do not have someone who can fill the gap left. Encouraging new members to be involved, especially younger people is critical to the sustainability of the organisation.
Succession planning helps:
To keep your group going. You need individuals to step into vacated roles.
To help individuals feel better equipped and more confident to take on new roles.
To identify training and development needs. When someone leaves. It helps ensure groups avoid a gap in skills or expertise.
Long-serving members feel recognised as they mentor new members and share their knowledge.
Identify new members who can convey new ideas and ensure a group continues to deliver what local residents want/need.
When should you start thinking about succession?
It is never too early to discuss Succession Planning. Committees are ultimately responsible for the operation and stewardship of their group. Good stewardship is not just about the here and now; it is about ensuring the sustainability and effectiveness of the group in the years to come.
Many groups already undertake some level of succession planning without even realising it:
By encouraging new members to join their group.
By identifying and addressing training needs within their committee.
By ensuring office-bearers change on a regular basis.
Committee members develop short and long-term plans for the group. Succession planning should be an integral part of this. It is about assessing where your group is now, where it needs to go, and what you can do to get there. In order to achieve what your group has set out to do, your committee must have the right people with the right skills in the right place at the right time.
Practical succession planning ideas
Practical things you can do now to help plan for the next group of leaders:
Elect Vice Chairs/Secretaries/Treasurers
Have clear role descriptions in place
Identify any gaps in knowledge, experience or skills within your committee.
Provide inductions for new members to include shadowing various roles
Members could "buddy up" with a more experienced member of the committee.
Provide learning & development opportunities for new and existing members
Discuss methods of recruiting new members to your committee
Advertise volunteer opportunities
Establish a Sub-committee dedicated to Succession Planning
Encourage youth leaders to partake in committee meetings/activities
Consider having a Youth Committee in place
Members could consider attending new meetings and different opportunities, that other committee members already participate in.
Interested in finding out more?
Supporting Communities offers a Succession Planning Awareness training session that can be delivered to your group. Talk to your community development officer to find out more or to organise a training session.