The Alpkit Foundation: COVID-19 Support

The Alpkit Foundation supports projects that champion education, participation, environment, diversity and health. The Foundation is currently prioritising their funds to support projects that demonstrate an immediate impact on those affected by the coronavirus/COVID-19 pandemic with grants of up to £500.

Who Can Apply

Organisations and individuals serving those affected by the coronavirus/COVID-19 outbreak in the UK may apply.


Applicants are advised to contact the funder to confirm whether restrictions apply.

Eligible Expenditure

Examples of eligible projects include:

  • Being active in local communities to help elderly or vulnerable people.

  • Minimising the impact of self-isolation for those in quarantine and need access to food, medicines or social care.

  • Supporting foodbanks and increasing the number of meals on wheels deliveries to support the elderly.

  • Supporting those who are homeless or in temporary accommodation.

  • Bringing adventure indoors and overcoming the obstacles that prevent people benefiting from going outdoors.

How To Apply

The scheme is now open for applications. Applications can be submitted at any time via Alpkit Foundation’s online form, which can be found on their website.